I do not recommend for couples counseling. Rather than view both members in the marriage as clients, she views the party who has their name attached to the payment authorization as the sole client. Hence, the other individual (who did not initiate visits with her) is treated as a bystander. My personal experience? I was told I am not “a willing participant.” Specifically told that my husband “is the client. Ira his authorization. It’s his issue.” If I wanted to continue, I needed to focus on his issues...not my own. Perfect combination for a narcissist personality...continue to empower they that they are right. She met with my spouse several times alone, without my presence. (I’ve never witnessed this in couples counseling. If counselors choose to also include individual counseling, they will ensure both parties receive the same.)In my opinion, she is severely unprofessional.
Shes an amazing compassionate woman of God the Father. I say God the Father because she values his precepts of the Bible and understands the Spiritual world. Being a believer in Jesus Christ and God the Father that is important to me!! And, shes very kind & understanding of the ways of the world!!❤️☺️