I meet my realtor maybe two and half years ago . During the course Ms.Ursula was eager to help me repair my credit .Most realtors will not help you unless you are ready to purchase with a good standing credit report but she never left my side .She kept me informed even before I had signed any contract for her to be my realtor .It was the fact that she worked effortlessly around my schedule even showing me homes at 7pm during the winter time and sending me info to local credit repair agencies .When I couldnt find a home I felt defeated ☹️,I told her I wanted to stop looking . She respected my wishes backed up and sent me homes thru my email.At times I would call her crying bc I felt like I would never own a home home as a single mom but she would send me YouTube videos to encourage me . Every time I called her no matter the time for the end she was only a phone call away . If you are looking for a realtor who is professional and compassionate about helping getting to you and your whole family needs, She is the perfect person.Not only did I meet her as a realtor .She is now someone I can call my friend .Thank you for helping change me and my children lives forever. Thank you for catering to my wants and needs .