We left, unbeknownst to us, upon our return materials and other supplies were missing from our home. When I inquired, Ron advised he had the items in which we paid for... we really didnt understand why he would take our materials for safe keeping, but leave his items at our home. After reviewing neighbors cameras and obtaining statements from past customers this is what he does- HE STEALS...HE HADNT EVEN BEEN TO OUR HOME FOR HOURS HE BILLED FOR...WHEN HE RETURNED SOME OF THE ITEMS...THEY WERENT EXACTLY WHAT HE HAD TAKEN, AS I HAD MARKED THE BOXES. HE CANCELED THE CONTRACT, CITING I WAS QUESTIONING HIS INTEGRITY AND THE ACCUSATIONS OF THEFT, BUT THEY WERENT ACCUSATIONS.. I HAVE ALL THE PROOF VIA CAMERA, AND 6 STATEMENTS