The old man that runs this location, is rude and decieve. First I went to pick up a truck, he did not have the right one. So we had to go to front street, and get the right truck. -- Flash forward, we returned the truck Full of fuel. I took pictures of the truck, all the way around. No damage at all. Get a call the morning after I returned it, he tried to call me a lier and say it was a 1/4 tank low. I said No I have pictures of the tank being full, pics where the truck was parked. Not on a hill as he claimed, on the side of the truck, pretty level ground, with a very slight incline. I would advise whoever rents from this IDIOT to take pictures of anything you return. Because sounds and looks to me, like he is a dishonest guy. That will try and get over anyway he can! Matter fact, avoid his business. The DM of penske made it up, and refund the extra amount.
Very friendly and professional. Great trucks
Good service