There only one word to describe my session with Michele AMAZING!I left our session with a sense of peace. I had recently lost my son and I was very grateful that we were able to communicate with him. The things that came out only my son would have known. She is truly gifted thank you!
I’ve been seeing Michelle throughout the years…and every time i am amazed at just how accurate she is and I feel as if I’m speaking directly with my loved ones.Most recently, my mother passed away on September 12th suddenly. I called Michelle and she graciously added me to the wait list, I believe she felt my pain and urgency…. 1 week later, a couple of days before my moms funeral, Michelle was able to provide a reading for me…. Almost instantly, she connected with my mom….. it was incredible. A sense of calm and peace overcame me with the words my mother spoke to me, through Michelle…. Michelle, know intimate details of my mother’s death and also was able to provide messages that only my mother could have known. For instance, before the reading I sat on my bed with a teddy bear and asked out loud for my mom to mention that moment in the reading…..and she did just that! I’m a 49 year old women and me with a teddy bear wouldn’t be something that you would easily guess….Through Michelle’s readings my entire family felt more at ease and comforted knowing that my mom was at peace and ready to cross over….I am planning on seeing Michelle at least once a year to connect with my mom and dad….Thank you Michelle! Xx
I have been seeing Michele about a year after my sons death in 2003. She has been so accurate about stating events or occurrences that only my son and I would know about unless you were a fly on the wall. She is the real deal. I always leave feeling like I got closure with loved ones and with a better understanding and more awareness about my life. She has very positive energy and you definitely leave knowing that she is a lightworker. Besides having this incredible gift, she is an extremely kind person and very down to earth. I will continue to go to Michele. Thank you for sharing your gift, Michele. You are the best.
Michele is personal, sweet, funny and she is dead-on (no pun intended) with what she says. I have found her very comforting when it comes to finding out about one of my loved ones who has crossed over and she has put me at ease knowing how they are doing, as its very comforting. She has said things that NO ONE could possibly know, but myself. Most equally important, she has been instrumental in getting a good read on what is going on with my familys life and I like to get a check-up every so often when things are stressful and I have no answers. She is quite remarkable and has a unique gift helping others and I know that I truly appreciate her for that!
Meeting Michele is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. She has changed my life and that of my husband. Seeing her is always the highlight of my year. Much of what I discuss with Michele and my spirit guides is therapy, too personal to share. Other times it is equally amazing. During my first drive to see her I looked into the rearview mirror in time to see a car speeding toward me. At the last second the car swerved onto the shoulder and passed me and several cars before it stopped. Michele asked me if I had almost been in an accident on the way because my mother was telling her that she had prevented it! Several times after my mother died I “heard” a voice in my head that I thought was my mother. One time she said “Slow down, your tires are bald”. Now I know it was mother. And I knew this was her too.My father was there too. Michele said “Your father is here and he is saying that he never apologized to you. He regrets it.” That started some healing for me and since then Michele has given me equally startling and helpful messages from my spirit guides and others who have passed and about those still alive.“Why is your mother showing me a door?” Michele asked. I told her we had a doorbell that rings even though it has been disconnected from an electrical source. She told me that my mother rings the bell when she visits us. What a gift to know that! During a period of a health issue she rang the bell everyday for 4 months. She rings it often but more frequently when there is upset in the house and all day on the day before I am going to see Michele.When we had to replace the wall due to water damage, I told the contractor not to remove the bell. “My mother has passed. She rings the door bell to let us know she is visiting.” I told him. Hours later he told me that his men had come to him to tell him the doorbell was ringing without a power source. He took Michele’s phone number.Another time Michele told me that my mother-in-law was telling me to buy my husband some shoes. When I got home I told him. After he picked his jaw off his chest, he told me that he had put his foot through his shoe and said to himself “Time for some new shoes.”I do not ask questions to which I do not want answers. But it doesn’t matter. My spirit guides are with me 24/7 and they know what is on my mind. “DO NOT go to Costco. You are immune compromised!” Michele told me. I hadn’t asked. I’m disappointed but I’m not going to Costco any time soon.The most life changing result of my sessions with Michele was to find out that I am clairsentient. My whole life has been a roller coaster of high and low emotions. I will be just fine and all of a sudden I am angry, sad, or in despair and crying. I asked Michele if I was an empath. She explained that an empath feels empathy for people but I am a clairsentient. I actually feel the feelings of those around me or of those who are elsewhere but emotionally close to me. Now when I feel angry, sad or start crying for no apparent reason I say to myself “Not my anger”, or “Not my despair” and if it is true the feeling fades away. What a gift! I am not nuts. I am clairsentient. Hear me whimper.Ellen, retired educator, May, 2020Emotional Freedom TherapyMichele Renee has done more for me in two sessions of Emotional Freedom Therapy than the years of traditional therapy I have been through. My future is brighter as a result of Michele’s ability. I still remember what happened to me but it does not hold the emotional gut punch it once did. Because of that I am able more and more each day to deal with difficulties in a way that supports my well being. I am forever grateful to Michele and recommend her without reservation.E.H. May, 2020
Michele is not only an amazing person, but also an outstanding medium. She is so authentic! Her gift is the real deal. She changed my perspective on life through her readings for me. She really helped me with a long, long journey through grief. I cannot say enough positive things about her! Shes just the best! I will continue to see her over the years, and I highly recommend her!
She is Awesome. If you have never had the opportunity to enjoy her insight,, I feel you are missing out. Ive recommended her to many. Fyi, I dont refer unless I feel I wont affect my reputation. I want to refer only those I trust.
Renee was so right on in helping me communicate with my late husband. It was almost like he was there, as we joked back and forth like we used to. He wanted me to say Happy Birthday to someone for him, and I completely had forgotten about their birthday coming up. Other people came through with messages for their loved ones. When I called them and passed on what the deceased person said, they were astonished because it was really spot on and made complete sense to them, even though I didnt know what it was about.I wish that Renee did not have a year waiting time for appointments because Id like to see her more often. But because she is the real deal and has this incredible gift, its no wonder so many people want to work with her.I recommend taping the session because it was hard to remember everything that those on the other side said!
WOW no words to describe this AMAZING experience... Getting messages from my dad n grandma is the best experience.
Michelles gifts as a a Medium are the REAL thing. I have seen her three times now. Each time I SEt up a cue. I said out loud to my husband, who had passed, if its really you, say something about :such and such, something odd no one could Intuit. PLus the lady who gave me her name knows very little about me, so it couldnt have come from there. EACH time, the Cue came through. NOt only that, when I first saw her and my husband was present, she said, He just said youre (private) and I was shocked. No one else could have known except he and I, and it was JUST like him to say it!Other people have come through. A surprise, my brother and Michelle confirmed what I and the detective on my brothers death suspected, though there was no proof - that he was murdered. The comfort and joy and laughter that have come through from that other side, so close to us, have opened wide my religious beliefs and mostly, helped me through the most painful period in my life. Where, at one point, I no longer wanted to live, thats been replaced with joy, purpose and the readiness to begin a new life. P.S. One reviewer said you have to wait a year to see her. Well, that was true the first time, although 15 minute sessions ( and THEYRE helpful, too, can come up MUCH faster, after the first year one, and YES, get the CD made for $!2.00 because you will forget or need to have that good feeling again, you can set up a schedule of appointments in advance. You dont need a tragedy to go see her. Her understanding of waits for us just a step away, will show you that G-d is truly love and forgiveness and theres happiness and purpose in our time in this life!
Amazing psychic medium, just amazing.