Counselor was Vanessa. Spent several months and got no where. Therapist talked about discharge from the beginning also commenting that she was over booked. She made contradictory suggestions and very opinionated as though her view was the truth instead of her view point. Offered her view point about things she had no information about IE how my ex spouse would react to my dtr after she met him one time. This was the most disappointing experience for both me and my dtr. I actually felt like we were worse off after our experience with this therapist. Ive never experienced a counselor who seemed so apparent in negating any opinion or view point I had, almost to a point that I could say she had something personal against me . She gave no direction to therapy. My dtr is/ was passive and needed help to establish insight. Instead this therapist concluded my dtr didnt want help and she therefore couldnt help her. Im sorry I find it hard to believe that younger teens have the insight needed to admit they have issues and talk about them. Isnt that what the skills of a therapist help to establish rapport.??What a waste of time and money. Unbelievable!
Waited 20 mins after appt one came/showed