Volunteered there for a year, theyre really great folks
In April I found 3, supposedly full, sealed oxygen cylinders empty. I notified the VA inspector general and they told me they were dealing on more important issues and that the Fargo VA would take care of the problem. I was contacted by the VA investigator, a prothetic specialist. She wanted to know who delivered the oxygen and what the inspection numbers were on the empty tanks. I did not have that information. The April delivery was made by two persons. A new employee and his trainer. I told the trainer of the problem and I pointed out the possible suspect empty containers. He stated that it happens once in a while. and blew off the situation as a non-problem. The trainer quickly put all the empty containers for the month in the delivery van. I then realized that the onus was on me to prove it ever happened. I was soon called by the oxygen company. I told them it was clear this is a government operation and that nothing would be done. So, it goes..... I guess a few extra dead veterans are not important to anyone.
Always been taken great care of at this facility.
I recently spoke with a disgraceful and ignorant follower of orders...a Statist who doesnt believe in the Constitution or what it represents...Hes either an ignoramus or a liar, who truly believes the Native Americans have no rights to their 1851 Treaty Lands...