Absolutely horrible Jacky did a good job but it was rushed and couldve been cleaned up a bit better I accidentally broke them a few days later so I went in to get them fixed one of her employees fixed it for me and botched my nails cutting me multiple times and was extremely sloppy with the work she did my nails look horrible not to mention she did not clean the materials that she used when I was clearly cut and bleeding in some areas I do not recommend !
Great first time experience at Jackys. My whole Quince court and I went to get our nails done all of us we’re satisfied with her work and at a great price. Definitely going back again soon.
The service and staff are always wonderful and their service is exceptional. I love how they take their time and dont rush you until their customers are happy. I love going to Jackies nails to pamper myself.
Great staff, quality products and great spa like treatment on a budget. Great value!!!
Jack nails is a clean nail salon but the workers are very rushed, and don’t do a good job. Now you might be wondering “maybe she had a lot of customers” I’ve been to Jacky nails 4 times and all those times I’ve been there I was there alone and she still rushed everything and did a terrible job! Highly DONT recomend!!!
Beautiful ❤️❤️
This business is closed forever