The people that work there are always nice when checking you in and out you need a cb to talk to the lift driver. The only thing I dont like is the way you come out of there its set up wrong. But its not a bad place
You all need to find someone to organize this yard there has got to be a better way to get trucks in and out of here so we dont have to sit for 1 or 2 hour just to get a empty
New managers with oversight of the NS Cincinnati facilities have made several improvements. Got rid of the people that didnt care or try. More improvements in the works.—-never mind. The one guy that came in and tried to improve things got run off.
A lot of problems with equipment at Cincinnati and Sharonville. Why they can’t keep equipment running is anyone’s guess. And why the NS doesn’t do something to correct the problems is a mystery. I guess if it continues we need to call local news like the last time it was like this. The news loves stories about corporate greed. Record profits and no equipment.
Issues with rail billing solved with 1 phone call
Not sure dont remember.
Better than CSX
Typical drayage ramp. Typical issues.
Great folks
Very long waits at times
Great employees
This place is horrible
Railroad yard