Overall, Region Ten has a TON of potential to grow from a diversity standpoint. But where they miss the mark is that although they “talk” about needing more clinicians of color to identify with their population which is about 70% minorities, the people in power contradict themselves. I’m certainly proud of the new director of training, whom I feel has what it takes to turn that part of Region Ten’s history around. Specifically, the PACT team is a prime example of what I mean. As a staff, the environment definitely feels like a family. However, unfortunately the interim program manager has a micro managing problem. You know the type that means well yet can’t help their mindset from being so conditioned by the Region Ten supervising culture. While I indeed have some rewarding moments at that department, my abrupt departure is just another example of how far Region Ten still has to go in properly preparing some of their must crucial positions. For example, you can’t expect a clinician to have a perfectly set schedule with impeccable communication with high-needs clients that have a proven track record of being unpredictable. Oh yeah, and mind you I just had a newborn daughter the previous month. However, balancing that life adjustment along my caseload obviously wasn’t appreciated enough, which in hindsight showed me the manager’s true colors. I’m not going to pretend like I’m perfect, but considering the desperate need for clinicians of color (I expected to be molded more. Obviously, I had to witness that It doesn’t work that way which is why this agency will continue to suffer from high turnover ratios until they revamp some age old approaches they use with employment and training.
The only reason people need psychology is public corruption.Is worth half of a life sentence unless you obey tyranny.cruel and unusual and excessive to humans.does nothing for real sanity, supports abuse and destroys lives. for profit.
Dr. Yoder is so caring and protects your over all well being and health. The pharmacy inside is sweet, curtious, and fast. Healthy transitions is also very helpful at keeping you reminded of your scheduled benefits and is there to help you along the way
Less than worthless. I was so hopeful that FINALLY I’d be able to get the help I need, but this place is just another disappointment. They schedule appointments with a councilor monthly, not weekly, and they don’t make reminder calls. The best “treatment” I’ve received so far is a book recommendation from the facilitator of a group session. Barnes & Noble has been far more helpful than four months of Region 10’s “services.” If you’re poor and trying to see a psychiatrist go somewhere else.
A complete and total waste of time. I did the two hour intake process and could not even get assigned a case manager. I was looking to speak with a doctor and also get rental assistance. Regent 10 on Preston Ave in Charlottesville is beyond useless. I felt like I was screaming out for help and they did absolutely nothing. Awful, heartless people - particularly Ron Phillips who assigns case managers. I was begging for help and he refused to assign a case manager to my case. It is impossible to do anything at Regent 10 without a case manager, so they basically kicked dirt in my face when I went there looking for help - but only after wasting a lot of my time. Find another way, because this Regent 10 office will only make you feel worse. You have to give them at least one star in order to post your review, but this Regent 10 office is honestly not worth even one star.
Does not refill prescriptions. Will take your medicine away if they feel like it without warning. Often will not treat. So filled with stigma there is no hope your file will not be corrupted.
They are very helpful to some and treat others poorly. Considering that they must deal with many people who have emotional and mental issue they should select their staff more carefully-abusive nasty and impatient are not the qualities that any on their staff should manifest
Bargain-basement level services, just something for junkies to do twice a week, no help available for working people with legitimate, NON-SELF-INFLICTED mental health issues. It’s nice that it’s there...I guess...but really, don’t pay your bill here. They will never turn you away for non-payment, just get what you need from them, say “invoice me,” then RUN, don’t walk, to literally any other providers in the area. They have a hard enough time keeping track of who ARRIVED for their appointment, often leave them sitting in the lobby for 45 minutes without ever letting the therapist know you’ve arrived...so I’m guessing their bookkeeping isn’t really too thorough, either.
This place hasnt dine a thing for me but cause more stress .the only time they want to see you is to have you sign the quarterly report that they are doing their job which i havent seen that in the year and a half that they are supposed to have been working with me if you can please go somewhere else if you really want help
Getting the ALL staff trained in trauma informed care would be extremely helpful.
If you need help and you can’t afford luxury therapists, Region Ten will help you. Sure they have some problems, everyone does, but they help a lot of people who have nowhere else to go. That’s a very rare thing in this world.
I needed them. I made life long freinds like me. Who understand me. Respect me. Dont judge me, and are proud of me for progress others wouldnt consider to be part of an illness they believe is not real. I will most certainty continue to use them as a suppourt team & the tools i learn along the way.Thank you😍😘🙏💪
Offers quality services and great for consumers.