I have used them twice for in-home and both times were disappointments. This last time I requested ABA and was placed on a waiting list. They became available over the summer (at which time I have pre-arranged activities for my kids to decrease unscheduled times. I ended behavioral therapy for my child because of the time restraint of the ABA therapy. A counselor came out for about a month to pair with my child. I am guessing because at this point, because they were not able to get the 12 hours from the insurance, the counselor and supervisor came to my home. She told me that I would have to do therapy M-F for 3 hours for about 6 months and I had to be the adult present. I have three kids and work Full time which also includes weekends. So I told her that I could not promise every weekday. And although I was told they can work with my schedule when I signed up, this meeting was very aggressive with no flexibility. She indicated that she would give me the name of other resources but I never heard from her again.