Great people, great instructor, great surroundings, overall really nice place, been going for about 3 years now. Master Kyle is a great teacher
This is the best school to offer techniques in multiple programs like Traditional Chinese Archery, Tai Chi, Edge Weapons, Martial Arts, Chinese Yoga and a few others.Me and my husband are lucky to be Master Kyles students for Traditional Chinese Archery. The traditional style of Archery is different from the modern style. The traditional style focusses more on shooting with your mind than with your vision. You get to learn different martial ways of shooting an arrow like shooting while walking / stepping back / turning / laying down / sitting down etc. I feel traditional Archery stimulates the growth of both your mind and body.What I really like about this place is the way Master Kyle teaches. His style of teaching is never forceful, be it kids or adults. That way each class is a self improvement session. Overall, irrespective of the program, the Pa Kua style is non-competitive. The environment in the class has a different feel to it. No matter how tired I am when entering the class, the energy of the place rubs on in a positive way. The discipline of the place has improved my way of life.Burbank Pa Kua studio offers classes which everyone can attend be it kids, adults or seniors. The studio has parking available at the front and on the backside.
What a wonderful service provided in Burbank! My 7-year old goes to the after school program during the week and absolutely loves it; he sings about it on the way there and never wants to leave! Thats a 5-star in my book. This is not a traditional after school program, my son gets to practice martial arts and archery plus he gets supervised homework time with a snack, its great! Master Kyle is disciplined yet super gentle and patient with the kids, my whole family loves him. This is so much better than coming home from school and complaining about having homework to do and begging for the iPad!!
What a wonderful resource to have in downtown Burbank. Master Billingsley is a gifted, flexible and caring teacher with adults and children of all ages. I would recommend the after school program to anyone in the area.
I have been a member at many workout studios such as equinox,24 hour fitness and crossfit training ..all along I was looking for a place to train my body and mind.I was fortunate enough to have met master kyle at Burbank Pa Kua who has patiently guided me to find appropriate training for my body and soul.At Burbank Pa Kua I study Thi Chi,Martial arts and has been a wonderful and fulfilling journey for me.I highly recommend everyone who is interested in changing their way of life to give it a try.. I never felt better physically and mentallyI love it...
Great school for people looking to learn something new, challenge themselves, make friends, and get in shape! Master Kyle, and all the other instructors, help you to find what you need from the classes.
Kyle is a wonderful, patient teacher. By the end of my archery lesson, I could not only hit the target, but I learned the importance of breath and intention.
One of the most Recomended places to take your kids or for yourself! Master Kyle Billingsley is one of the best teachers around here. He has a great experience and knowledge that anyone whos interested should take advantage of.
Great instructor master Kyle has a great range of knowledge for anyones needs. His studio has several classes for spiritual, mental, and physical growth.
Master Kyle Billingsley not only teaches you Martial Arts; he is also an expert in nutrition and health. After several sessions with Master Billlingsley my appreciation for eating better, meditating, and cleansing my system have increased. As we age being more in tune with our mind and body is critical. More work continues with Master Billingsley as I rework my schedule to also include his recommended exercises for better health. Thank you. So glad I was introduced to you. Happy New Year!
I attended a free class, it was fun
Master Kyle you are the Best!Mariani