DO NOT do any kind of business with these people, they do NOT have your best interests at heart. Its almost entirely broken promises, half-truths, or outright lies, especially when it comes to wage raises and hits on new jobs. I was with them for several years while they got me a position at a certain fortune 500 company, and while that job in itself was just fine and had me working with great people, my All-Star handlers were a different story entirely.One of them never let me get a word in during conversations and was impossible to talk to with a generally sour demeanor, another one promised me a raise and only ever gave me half of what I had asked for while conveniently never being available to talk to, and the last one outright tried to deny me workmans compensation when I hurt myself on the job by talking around and around in circles until Id stop pressing the issue.Most tellingly, I lost that job almost half a year ago at the time of writing, and while All-Star promised theyd take care of me, I havent heard anything from them at all, even after calling them and asking what was going on. One can assume its a COVID-19 slowdown issue, but I dont believe so. So with all that being said, I will repeat myself once more - do NOT do ANY kind of business with these people.
Get used and abused and fired for asking for a raise. They’ll give you the hours, but do not ask for a raise
Im not sure what youre talking about about the place cuz my nephew works there and for temporary job that pay pretty good