Ive been on 2 trips with Capt. Troy and have thoroughly enjoyed each trip. I currently have a 3rd trip booked. Whether the fishing is good or the fishing is great, (never bad), you can count on a few things for sure. Youre going to be fed good, Capt. Troy and his crew are going to take excellent care to ensure you have a successful trip, and youre going to have fun. The Double Trouble is a clean and comfortable boat and the skiffs are perfect for scooting around the Islands. The Chandeleur Islands are a special place to fish and Capt. Troy knows the Islands well. You wont be disappointed.
Ive been out with Captain Troy and his crew on 3 trips to the Chandeleurs and 1 trip to the BIloxi Marsh now and have enjoyed it every time. Troys a pretty good cook, and his meals hit the spot after a long day on the water. Ive already got another trip scheduled for May 2014. Cant wait to get back out there!
First class fishing on a first class boat, crewed by first class folks! Great trip!