Great tutors, thorough and professional. Will use again as needed.
My son was struggling in middle school English class so I got him a tutor from Planting Seeds Tutoring. His tutor, Jibimon, was so helpful, knowledgeable, and patient. He was quick to respond to my texts and had a vast amount of knowledge when I asked him questions. My son has now made all As in English. I could not have been happier with this choice of tutoring company!
My daughter always has struggled with math, but with the pandemic and online courses it became worse. She needed 1:1 tutoring. I contacted and interviewed with a couple of different tutoring services, but the all of them were very expensive and required us to buy the whole package which was not affordable for us, and their services were only through zoom.Chris has been very helpful in finding us a good match that worked well with our schedule and our budget! Mike is an amazing tutor and very fun to work with. He has helped my daughter not just with math, but with her confidence. Her grades improved significantly. When she got a good grade on a test, he always said I knew you could do it. Her math teacher from school would send me emails telling me how much she has improved and how shes more engaged in class. Thank you Chris and Mike!!!
We have had a great tutoring experience with Planting Seeds. We have been through several tutors and this is the one we have stuck with for the longest and this is why: our tutor (Tiffany) comes to the house and works patiently with our daughter.My husband and I have listened to how she interacts with our daughter and you can tell Tiffany does more than just tutor her in math. She has become a mentor to our daughter. There have been days when Tiffany came to our house and we had just had a disagreement, the air was thick, and Tiffany came in and talked to our daughter. She helped smooth things over. There were days that my daughter didn’t want tutoring and Tiffany showed up, daughter was mad, and Tiffany was sweet, understanding, and asked how she could help. Our daughter is 13-typical teenager.My husband and I have come to love Tiffany and enjoy her in our house. When it comes to teenagers, the more positive people they have the better they do. Tiffany has become important to us and we can’t thank her enough. Thank you Tiffany and thank you Chris for working with us and everything you all do!! Planting seeds has truly impacted my daughter and our lives.
Planting Seeds did a great job of understanding my childrens needs. From the beginning, they were professional and assessed my childrens areas of weaknesses in each subject accurately. Ive seen noticeable improvement over the past few months and plan to continue using their services throughout the summer.Id highly recommend using their services.
The total package to say the least! Michelle was my daughters tutor and did an amazing job! Every session was new and vibrant in all aspects. I would recommend this for any parent who needs help or wants there child to have a firm academic base!
Planting Seeds Tutoring has helped my kids keep up with their school work during COVID-19. What I like most about Playing Seeds is their tutors genuinely care about my kids educational success. If your kid is struggling in school or you want to help elevate their education I highly recommend Planting Seeds. They as are professional, great value tutoring, and provide higher grade performance results.
Had a great experience with Planting Seeds. My high schooler had never needed any sort of tutoring. Things always came really easy to him. Thanks to Jacob and Planting Seeds when my teen finally met his school match he was able to learn better study habits. His study habits improved and his understanding of geometry. We will be continuing with Jacob the next school year.
Ashley did a great job of weaning my daughter off the calculator. She built great rapport with her and helped her get up to speed.
Great service, great tutors! Two of my children receive their test prep services from PST for the past few months and both children have shown great improvement in math and writing. I am recommending them to any parent seeking a tutor/test prep company.
Jennifer with Planting Seeds tutoring has been a godsend. My 6th grader is very bright but has always struggled with Math. I was especially concerned as he transitioned to middle school this year. I selected Planting Seeds in the Fall because of their fabulous reviews and I am so glad that I did. My son received a 33 on his 1st report card last year in Math. His latest grade on his report card is an 87! His confidence is through the roof now. I owe it all to his wonderful tutor Mrs. Jen. She was able to flex her style to meet my sons individual needs when it comes to math. She was exceedingly patient and so encouraging. My son just blossomed! I cannot say enough good things about this company and their tutors.
Been great helping my child with reading and writing. Very responsive and flexible scheduling. Understanding of my childs needs and supportive of their progress. I strongly recommend them if you are looking to help your child move forward academically.
Jacob was a fantastic tutor! I didn’t feel judged for my level in math and he understood my strength and weaknesses!