Theres no other place in Utah to find this stuff. In the exact curriculum Dave has compiled over years of commitment training in the art Non Classical Gung Fu anyone here in utah looking to train in this art best be willing to commit themselves to train, train and train some more.. its a once in a lifetime opportunity and like all things that come as blessings should not be slept on... Nows the time! Invest in the best thing for yourself! You will never regret it 👍
I have some chronic pain issues and this is helping me to gain control of them and work around the ones that I cant do so with. Master is an incredible teacher and all of the students are humble and willing to help. I didnt know what to expect at first. I thought there would be a 50/50 chance it would be too much, but no.
Dave teaches something completely different than anything else in the area. Simple, straightforward, direct and effective.What to expect? No dancing forms, no uniforms, no books, no frills, no hidden or added cost... Full contact training drills with other members of the class and Dave, heart pumping conditioning, full impact striking, and complete technics on day one. No belts, or levels to complete... you get out of it what you put in to it... you will learn to hit hard, fast and often while learning how not to be hit... no mats, no jumping, and no kicking.If you have ever wanted a skill set that would guarantee your success in a street brawl, Dave is the man to learn from.
Dave has been the most amazing teacher of martial arts Ive ever come across.He has been proven to be a master and has been recommended by instructors from around the world.You can not find better in Utah.
Great studio, just what was looking for...