I want everyone to know that my agent Payam Bakhaje of DC Realty Online is THE BEST. I listed my condo with him, and he gave me a real, state-of-affairs look at the DC real estate situation. He outlined possibilities, showed advantages and downsides. He then proceeded to market my property in the best possible way. He knew what would make my property attractive, and showed it in the best possible light. He was there for every inquiry, and protected my interest every step of the way in a truly professional manner. Thank you very much.
I just wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you how much Iappreciate your services as I purchased my first home. I found yourguidance and level of expertise priceless. I had encountered far toomany agents, before working with you, that were too busy to work on myschedule. You made sure to accommodate my needs (even when I wasbeing difficult) and I am grateful. This distinguishes you from mostother real estate agents.I was also impressed with your extensive knowledge of the area fromShaw eastward to Eckington and your record of success in closing dealsin these areas despite the stiff competition at some price points.This was my desired area of focus and not many agents have as muchknowledge of these neighborhoods as you.I knew you were an exceptional agent when you were willing to meet meat 9pm on a Wednesday because a house just came on the market thatseemed perfect for me. When I told you I wanted to buy it you stayedup till midnight with me writing the offer.As you know, that contract was accepted at my lowest price the verynext morning! There were multiple offers presented in just one day ofthe house being on the market but you managed to negotiate that thesellers accept my offer with all of my contingencies, at my price, andwith the closing cost concessions I requested! This point mustemphasized because while the housing market has taken a serious hit,the houses I wanted and in the price range I was looking for,competition was robust and many times deals were elusive. Sellers weretypically favoring buyers with 100% cash with no contingencies.While I did ultimately close on this house, the road to closing waslong and complicated. During this process, you gave me so much ofyour time that I felt like I was your only client. However, I knowthat your life was busy and that you were forced to rearrange itmultiple times to address the difficulties that cropped up while wetried to reach settlement.You worked effectively with the listing agent, two title companies,and all of the utility companies to help me navigate what turned outto be a very complicated purchase. Not only that, you helped mesecure financing that addressed my unique situation with terms thatwere extremely favorable to me. By closing, I got everything that Iwanted in terms of financing rate and type, significant concessionsfrom the seller, and ensuring the condition of the property was what Iwanted by the time I took possession.I will be happy to recommend your services to all of my friends whoare looking to purchase or sell a house. You are an exceptionalprofessional that displayed poise, experience, and knowledgethroughout the process.