I am going to rate this place higher than I want to because the mediators are terrific and thats what really matters. The program is painfully underfunded, some of the ancillary staff are abhorable as is much of the physical facility. If you are reading this I am sorry, I wouldnt wish divorce or parenting plan issues on my worst enemy.My advice: Do yourself a favor and write down everything that you need to come to an agreement on before you go to mediation. Think about your kids and the future, not the past. If you dont have kids, make the best of it and get out of there asap. If you cant come to an agreement on some things there, skip the back and forth settlement trap the lawyers will bleed your finances with, and let the judge handle it. They have heard it all before, and Arizona has very clear guidelines for the financial aspects that neither award or penalize past behavior, and define support issues by fairly rigid formulas.Had I followed that advice my contentious divorce would have been $5-6k instead of $28k and still counting 5 years later. If you want to save more money, use a paralegal service instead of a lawyer for as much of the beginning process as you can, and hire a VERY good lawyer later if needed.
Christine Davis is very professional and helped a lot with me and my Grandsons mom. I appreciate all the work she put in.
There something really wrong with the family court system. It seem that lawyers, judges and government workers that work for the court are more about making money and there jobs then helping familys. Why does the law have to so complex to understand, way cant it be simple so you dont need an attorney and that you dont have become financially ruin by going through the process? This family court system is about helping it self and not about help the familys that it should serves.