Its easy to hate on contract companies but they are good for some things. If you are inexperienced, contracting can be a great way to gain experience. If you are experienced, contracting can be more lucrative than working direct.Some general rules when working with ALL contact companies (and probably employers):If you are experienced...- Discuss vacation time and use it asap.(you never know when the work will end)- Get your expected pay the day you start.(do not bother negotiating some raise in the future)- Read your documentation.If you are inexperienced...- Take whatever you can get to gain experience.ive worked on and off with Citistaff, as a contractor, for about 15 years. Citistaff is the best contract company i know, fwiw. Your mileage will vary.NOTE: Im a contractor, never worked in the building. i have no idea what its like to work inside Citistaffs corporate office.
Small but good Staffing Services
Terrible contract house they will, use you, rob you, and cast you aside.