After seeing the video on youtube of their employee screaming at an older man, I would NOT hire this company period. They are nothing but thugs that like to threaten people with their safety. They destroyed a mans life and the owner didnt seem to care.
Duane Grigsby be a slick talking crook who think he a businessman. Think he can set around and get high conduct bisiness. Try talkin to dis hustler! Yous cant get a word in edge wize. He act like he is out to help out the black community and all he do is take advantage of black folk. This guy a simple criminal. He almost sucked me in and when I wanted to back out he use threats of suing me and even threatened to call the police. He say he a businessmen. I say he be a crook. He always say he blessed, well he didnt sucker this Sister. Wulf in Sheaps clothin this guy be!
After seeing the Video on you tube I hope no one does any business with these thugs again !