Was hired by iss to work as a housekeeper at a school. My first day I was overwelmed by the filth in the janitorial rooms, classrooms & especially special needs rooms by all the current & past iss staff.Their vacuume cleaners are very old, have heavy 50ft. Extention cords wired into them, they dont pick up the dirt, are taped together. employees had to make bags too small for the vacuumes fit manually.They must have got this contract by being the cheapest bid. Because iss has a very poor reputation in the southwest missouri & 4states area.The RIVERTON KANSAS school district ALSO dont care about the little people & they neglect special needs classes, students, teachers & refer to the custodians as the help like in slavery days.I was told I would get a paycheck in 2 &1/2 weeks but at 4 weeks, I have yet to be paid.I complained about the vacumes and was told it would be taken care of. BUT I LEARNED ISS NEVER so much as made a phone call to resolve the problem.ONCE ISS GETS THE CONTACT, THEY DONT. CARE ABOUT NOTHING OR NO ONE BUT GETTING THEIR MONEY !! THEIR LOCKED IN WITH THE CONTRACT FOR 2-3 YEARS & DONT CARE ABOUT YOU OR THE SERVICE THEY PROVIDE.WE WERE ALSO REQUIRED TO CARRY THESE HEAVY BROKEN UP TAPED TOGETHER, CORDED VACUUMES FROM ONE END OF A BUILDING TO ANOTHER---APPROXIMATELY A FOOTBALL FIELD IN LENGTH 8 HOURS A NIGHT, EVERY NIGHT.I even entually hurt my right shoulder & arm picking up & lugging around their old DILAPIDATED nearly 65 pound vacauses. I reported it & was ignored. This went on for 3 weeks. When I CALLED I in because of pain & knumbNess in my arm from the vacuume iss demanded I used, I was taken off the school job & not offered work elsewhere when they had openings.So I was essentially fired BY iss & the Riverton School district because I have a limitation & injury.While iss has been in the contract with riverton schools, the turnover is extremely high, people steal, dont do their jobs, their FACILITIES are maintained EQUAL TO a Mexican prison.I would not recommend working for this company & they dont give raises.If your a facility looking for servicing, contract with a more reputable company.