Bus times are never accurate and the drivers are mean 0/10 would rather walk
I used the transit system back in the 50s and 60s. My particular bus route was the Soldiers Home Route which was posted on a changeable marquee on the front of the bus.It made a loop all day long starting at the Soldier Home entrance on Dewitt Ave. Then went to Columbus Ave all the way to downtown Sandusky. East on Water St. Up Wayne St. Over to Hancock St. To Milan Rd and back to Soldiers Home on Dewitt Ave.The only scheduled stops were at Solider Home and downtown at Columbus Ave and Market St.They would pickup riders along the route as long you stood on the curb with your arm up and in a safe location for the bus to stop.To be dropped off they had a bell cord to pull when you where approaching where you wanted to get off. The driver would stop as soon as possible in a safe traffic location.There were many simple loop routes all over Sandusky and points in Erie County like Vermilion.Of course this was all before every buddy had their own cars.The routes would over lap so transfers could be made from one bus to another so you could get where you want to go. Just like the big cities.I look on Google maps and Sandusky Transit site and find no local schedules or routes. 😐
They might have a few late times and may not be exactly on time but they have been super understanding when it come to canceling rides, helping to ensure that youre there on time or even a bit early. The drivers are always super friendly and alway have given me a great chat and are so positive!
The sparcs are good cause they get me to work but they are awful with telling people when their schedule changes. And on top of that certain drivers like the blow past stops and not stop for people. But just earlier today the bus stop where it normally stops at 41 after. And when they pulled up they said oh Im not a spark and drove off. Actually yes you are cuz youre a bus that arrives at the time that is listed so yes you are the bus .
Never on time. Its always late and when u say something to some of the bus drivers they are rude as hell. The bus rate went up to 1.50 there is so many people that dont have the extra 50 cents because they didnt know because it might be their first time riding or they are going somewhere like a shopping center or the bank to get the extra money so that they can have the right change on the next round and the drivers are even rude to these people
50 bucks gets you unlimited rides for the month on all their scheduled stops.. keep your receipt. If u loose your card they will replace it
On time if traffic work with them
I work there
Not on time lot of the times