I have provided Art Therapy as a contractor with WRRC for about 4 months now and have absolutely enjoyed working alongside the staff, and guiding and watching the residents grow in their recovery. The facility itself is breathtaking and well maintained. Staff are warm, friendly, professional, compassionate, and go above and beyond to help residents fully focus on their recovery. I highly recommend WRRC for anyone struggling with addiction. It is a place of healing and connection. There is a genuine feeling of authenticity, wholeness, and hope in this place.
I highly recommend this recovery center for ANYONE struggling with drug and alcohol issues. After my experience here, I would not want to go anywhere else to get treatment. The overall experience was incredible and life-changing. The staff was amazing, the food was amazing, and the curriculum was great as well. I felt so comfortable here during my stay, I did not even want to go home!! 10/10 recommend. :)
Wellness retreat has the most welcoming staff. The staff at Wellness Retreat exceeded my expectations. They are friendly respectful compassionate and very professional. I’ve been sober almost 5 months now. Yoga, meditation, acupuncture one on one therapy sessions with a licensed therapist. I continue to practice all I learned at Wellness Retreat daily. I would recommend this facility to anyone struggling with addiction. I love this place.
This place saved my life. I was the last person to want to go to rehab or who ever thought they wouldve lasted a day there. This is the only place I ever could have stayed at, and it ended up saving me. I got a second chance in life because of what I was able to learn about myself while I was there along with how to finally find a cure for my disease. Before I went to Wellness, I had tried everything else; AA programs, Outpatient programs, books, etc. Nothing prevented me from relapsing again.Wellness is amazing because of the program and the staff. They all genuinely care so much. I went through some of the darkest moments of my life crying in the group sessions and they cried along with me while I healed. The love and support the staff shows is something I never dreamed of. I consider all of them family and am forever grateful for what they helped me accomplish.The living accommodations are unreal. Its hard to stay somewhere for extended periods of time but Wellness always felt like I was right at home. You go through so much healing here, in one on one therapy, group therapy, building a network outside by attending meetings in all different kinds (AA, Refuge, Smart, etc). They do such a great job at making everyone comfortable while making connections with others going through the same battle as you. When I walked through the doors, I remember telling them I didnt need help, or therapy and that I didnt have any triggers. Shortly after I found myself laughing at how oblivious I was once I finally started to understand myself and get real with myself.The staff takes you on outings every week and hikes. My favorite was sailing the San Francisco bay. It gives you a chance to see what comes up and how you feel in the real world. They play sports with you, card games, board games, you name it. Energy healing, yoga classes, meditation were all things I could never imagine myself doing. I couldnt meditate for two minutes before I came here. Now it is one of my favorite things to do.The other clients that I met during my stay are some of the bestfriends Ive ever had. We went through it together and bonded over everything, unpacking our baggage one by one, laying it all on the floor, and going through it deciding what were not going to carry going forward.I never thought Id be able to heal from what I was running from for so long. I never thought Id be able to go through such intense recovery. I never thought anything would help me and that I was doomed to be an alcoholic forever.I wish everyone, even non-alcoholics or addicts, got a chance to stay here. Most programs dont address the reasons WHY we drink, they dont touch on the very things were trying to numb and avoid. Wellness gives you the courage to fix drinking at the source. To fix the reasons why we drink. For me, I had every reason on earth to not drink, I hit bottom so many times and kept going. Nothing woke me up like the way the staff and program did here.You wont find a place or staff like this anywhere. Youll be transformed and it will carry far beyond just addiction help. Itll touch into every part of your life and give you a new sense of awareness, self confidence, self love, forgiveness, peace and a new appreciation to live life again, but right this time.
I love this place. The people here are so caring and go so far above and beyond what a person could reasonably expect from a treatment center. Ive really enjoyed working with everyone here and I would absolutely recommend this place to anyone struggling with addiction
I know nurse Amanda personally as she is a past colleague of mine. Shes always been passionate in her area of expertise which is addiction. She invited me over a year ago to check out her rehab. Cant be any prouder than I am today knowing how far shes come since then. Its almost as if Im in paradise at a five star hotel w/ all the amenities -yoga, massage, acupuncture, chef, gorgeous decor, and amazing view overlooking the entire Bay Area . No other place I know like it .Most importantly, the staff are professional, attentive, compassionate, and are able to utilize every tool possible to be able to meet the highest standard of care to their patients. I would refer anyone to WRRC that I know struggling w/ addiction in a heart beat.
As a Healthcare provider, I recently took a tour of WRR as it is a potential place to give health talks. Amanda and her staff are professional and knowledgeable. They seem to genuinely care about getting people better by not only helping beat their addiction but also incorporating an overall healthier lifestyle. Facility appeared well kept and modern. I left impressed and feeling the people here are in good hands.
This place is amazing. The staff, the curriculum, and the accommodations are all 5 stars.Starting with the staff, I initially spoke with Tiffany who I found out later on was a founder of the company. She was very patient and made herself available for me to text at any time. Everyone is humble, you wouldn’t be able to tell who was what position because from the founder down everyone was willing to speak with you, clean up messes, and pitch in to help with any task no matter how small. In places like this typically you will find staff members who like to exercise their power over you, “power trippers”, but I did not get that vibe from anyone during my entire stay there and believe me I’ve been in my fair share of these places. Also everyone from the CEO to the cook were all extremely knowledgeable and had wisdom to share. I honestly loved everyone there. Nikki the medical coordinator is awesome. Lindsey the program manager is such a kind gentle soul. Lesley the chef was amazing. Rita the weekend cook always went out of her way to bake us sweets. Peter was super down to earth and an undercover beast. Dave was so funny and always made us laugh. DJ took me and my family out for walks and was a gym rat like me also. Jake was so patient and loving in his teaching as well as knowledgeable and interesting. Gerry was a super rad guy who made the most creative and awesome breakfasts. Theo was such an interesting guy who had so much life experience and had knowledge on pretty much any subject you could think of. Chris the primary therapist was so good that I am continuing to see him for our couple’s counseling. Beth another therapist I saw there was also very good and was sad that I couldn’t continue to see her afterwards as she did not have a private practice.The curriculum was interesting and not stale. For someone who has spent probably close to a year in these types of places that’s pretty amazing. Jake the primary substance counselor does an amazing job of presenting his material and is always open to feedback and trying to figure out new ways of teaching. In process groups I was impressed with his ability to steer the conversation back on track and gently allow clients to look at parts of themselves that were not easy to look at or that they were in denial about. He was trained in the ways of disruption and so often times these will be hard things to hear but it’s a great way to facilitate growth during these groups. When I had issues, he always made himself available to work through with me. All of the staff would make themselves available if anyone needed support. Id also like to note that Ive been to countless county funded programs where you will get staff members who do not teach but simply hand out worksheets, go around the room and have clients read and answer the questions on the page. Very little value is added. This is completely not the case with Wellness.Every wednesday we would have a group outing. These were usually planned together with Nikki and would include a meal and an activity. Dave would be our companion for the trip. These were super fun. We had sushi, Pluto’s at Santana Row, Konjoe Burger and for activities we went to K1 Speed for go carting, nail salon for mani and pedi’s (I got my brows waxed too), other options included going to SF for on a boat, and going to Golf Land for mini golf and arcade.Every Friday Nikki would take us or for a nice hike. These were awesome. We went hiking on Los Gatos trail and a few other places I don’t know the name of. It’s a really nice way to end the week and I loved it. It was like free cardio 😛.Saturdays are family group where you can bring family or loved ones and be able to process together. This was really cool because your family gets to see that this disease doesnt affect just homeless people, or stupid people, all the clients here had respectable careers, families, and we even had a millionaire with us during our time. Sundays we have visits in the afternoon.
As a contracted acupuncturist for this facility, I love working with the clients and enjoy the beauty and expansiveness of the views.
Do you guys offer the M.A.T program!!?
Unfortunately Wellness retreat is a terrible excuse at a rehab. I attended the residential program for 40 days and when there, the director, my counselor, the only therapist and a chef all quit there jobs and left! That is four employees in a month. Furthermore, the care was highly unprofessional, and when asked for employees credentials, I was told that it was not important. I was personally treated like garbage and wouldnt recommend this facility to anybody!
While researching treatment centers in the Bay Area what really interested me about WRRC was the client to staff ratio at the facility. With a maximum of 6 clients at any time I felt that I would be able to receive the most care and attention from the staff here rather than anywhere else. When I arrived at WRRC I quickly found this to be the case. From the moment I walked in the door I was greated with friendly smiles from the nursing staff and counselors. Everyone was so helpful getting me adjusted to the new living situation. Over my 7 week stay this behavior turned out to be the rule and not the exception. Earnest and compassionate are how I would best describe the employees at WRRC. The entire staff is so eager to help no matter the issue. WRRC even made my friends and family feel incredibly welcome during their visits. I cannot imagine having picked a better treament facility for me to attend!As a facility WRRC is top notch. The house is spacious, with large bedrooms, a beautiful kitchen and a deck with amazing views of San Jose. The house has all the amenities you could ask for: yoga room, washer/dryer, A/C, satellite TV, multiple lounge areas and fully stocked kitchen. Other perks are weekly visits from a yoga instuctor, personal trainer, massage therapist and an acupuncterist. Not to mention a membership at a nearby gym.The quality of the food was incredible. During my stay 3 different chefs prepared meals throughout the week. And they are able to cater to any dietary restrictions one may have without issue. The kitchen is also stocked with tons of drinks and snacks in case you get hungry inbetween meals.WRRC also manages to sqeeze in some pretty awesome outings during the week. While at Wellness Recovery I went indoor skydiving, ziplining in the Santa Cruz mountains, Go-Karting and indoor rock climbing. All these activities were extrememly fun and made for a great opportunity to bond with the staff and other clients.Overall I would recommend WRRC to anyone that is looking for help with their addiction. The service is first class, the facility looks and feels like a resort, and the quality of the staff is of the highest caliber. If you are looking for a treatment facility in Northern California I dont think you can find one that surpasses Wellness Recovery Retreat Center.Thank you to Amanda, Tiffany, Lexi and the rest of the WRRC team!!!!
I was recently a client at WRRC, and although their apparent mission is to help those with addiction problems live a healthy, sober, lifestyle with proffessional help from licenced therapists, i must inform anyone who is contemplating on enrollment with wellness retreat to consider better options. Addiction, as the family and loved ones along with the addict him or herself knows, is often times a maladjustment of decision making processes resulting from a pre-existing or chemically induced medical conditionAlong with the pain and distrust the families are left with, the addict or alcoholic often has co-occuring mental disorders which may have resulted in behavior that last long past the individuals clean date. If this wasnt the case, treatment would only last as long as a detox, and the individual would be cured. Because of this, the addict or alcoholic must believe he or she is in a safe place to deal with these issues, without the fear of the information obtained by the licenced staff member about the individual being told to other clients or members of the community.The state actually has a law (HIPPAA) THAT explicitly protects clients in this position from the therapist or psychologist from sharing personal information with other people who are not part of his or her treatment team. Can you imagine if you were a judge, a lawyer, a police officer, or in any profession where it would be, for lack of a better term, disadvantageous for the individual if their mental health diagnosis or specifics shared with a therapist with the understanding that it was safe to do so to be used against them at a later date? Not only is this practice ethically atrocious, but it is against the law, and the lack of professionalism and moral boundaries is glaring.After leaving WRRC, things that I had told my therapist in confidence has been not only shared with other clients, but with their families as well. I was dismayed to hear of all the time I had spent their trying to fix my problem with using substances had been turned on me. I understand that people are human, they make mistakes, but this was not a one-time thing, and if I am going to spend $30,000 on treatment then the least I can expect is some discretion and professionalism. I am not supposed to expect a treatment team who breaks the law to undermine not only my recovery, but their entire philosophy about trying to improve the lives of their clients. I am still sober today, thanks to support I received elsewhere, so it did not take my conviction to be sober away from me, but I felt I had to earn those prospective clients who are looking for a safe place to get clean; WRRC is not the place. I hope they fix these problems, but I have a feeling, since the therapist in question is a good friend of the owner, and lives with her, that no changes will be made. Oh yeah, another thing - self disclosure rums rampant inside WRRC. You will hear plenty about the counselors personal problems, too. I hope whoever is reading this makes a good choice and gets sober, as, in the end, that is all that matters.
Street is scary to go up