I thought once a person got sober and graduated they would help them find work and housing. Well I dont think dumping them in downtown Sac at a homeless shelter with a bunch addicts and drunks is the proper thing to do. Well the salvation army depot family crisis center in Marysville did just that, why even help them get clean and sober if your just going to go dump them right back in the middle of it all.
We keep going to salvation army in susanville. No food, just coffee. They act like oh well no food. There are poor and homeless people here that need food. Why have a office and give nothing?There are so many places they could go and get free food for the poor. All stores here give food . Thier excuse, someone quit. THATS no excuse. Salvation Army needs to send a field rep to the susanville store, they are a joke.
They didnt want tme to have my purse in the store a bunch of hypocrites
An organization doing the most good for those in need.
I want to go wing armi 18 year old i speak little engles
Religious cult.