ANNE TRICKEY, a low level secretary there seems to want to be in charge of the entire place. She gossiped to me for over an hour about a former street artist that neither she or I know. TRICKEY, admitted to falsifying an SFPD police report and lying in court.She got some kid street artist to lie about serving the paperwork and claimed she was assaulted. This is how this city agency champions the arts?
The most mismanaged government office ever encountered. I sent several emails asking for information about the street artist program and never got a response. I left a few voice messages on a long winded answering machine that were not answered.Then, four months later I got an email asking me if I run a museum in southern CA. This Anne TRICKEY doesn’t seem to be wrapped too tight. I went down to Justin Herman Plaza some six months ago and I sawsome guy selling sunglasses. He spit at me when I asked him a few questions. That kid with the pineapple hair called, “Greye” seemed to think he ran the place.
Went there with a subpoena and had to return three times as no one was there during business hours. A female employee of the SFAC filed a false SDPD reportclaiming she was assauted. Four moths later, she lied in court and after the respondent showed cell phone footage of the incident-it was clear there wasNo assault. After two years of asking for responsive documents- getting. O response-and now a federal subpoena for documents-once again no response. There needsto be a civil grand jury investigation on the day to day operations of the SFAC andan Anne Trickey.
1:30pm appointment. Nobody greets you and tells you how/where to set up your work for review, then promptly try and skip over you, saying well come back to you. Disrespect #1. So why make an appointment? What proceeded was a panel of rude, unqualified people making judgements of fine art. One of the worst experiences of my life. Luckily, my work was destined not to be involved with these clowns
They never answer the phone or respond to emails. The recent newpaper article about Howard Lazar is false. He grew up in New Jersey, the son of a butcher. His parents sued him in San Mateo Superior Court after he defaulted on payments to them in NEW JERSEY of monthly payments to them of a house they bought for him in San Raphael. Lazar ripped off artists for 42 years. he and another full time job as a janitor at the South End Rowing Club. THe SFAC is the largest violator of the Sunshine Ordinance and was repremanded by the SF Board of SUpervisors and the Board of Appeals. Kleptocrats!