I am a huge proponent for local arts and artists. They are the mirror and guiding lights of the society, community and creativity. Art explosion is one such venue in SF and I have been here a few times.This year (fall19) was not very exciting or inspiring. And I have a few suggestions.1. Extend the time of the show over the evening in the weekend and organize some events like live music as well2. Market better. It was sad to see how empty it was3. Make sure the artists are present. I could not find the artists in a couple of occasions where I was interested to buy4. Create a communal gallery place except the walls
Artistic community here is first rate - brings me back to a time when the City was full of artistic people
Great art collective. Check out during open studios
The artists here are so varied you are likely to find something interesting and innovative. Its not just art either. Youll find jewelry and fashion here too. OktopusRiot on the first floor does custom frames.