Thank you for great website design! Love your attention to details and knowledge of our industry.
Stan Consulting Team did an outstanding job for us. They have designed our Logo, website and all of our social media pages.Stan has deep and extensive knowledge in Marketing and different business topics. He consulted us and developed new business and marketing strategy.Thank you for managing our social media and creating great ads.
Stan Consulting is an absolute must for those, who are looking to grow their business! It doesn’t matter, whether you have just started your own business, or you are about to become a big player - the support and value you get from Stan Consulting is pure gold.Even the small tips we received during our first acquaintance had a great impact on our performance. It seems that the team doesn’t have dollar signs in their eyes, no, it’s a squad of great people, who are keen to help. Thank you!
Having troubles with my Instagram (ghost tagging, account indicated as spam etc.) Stan provided me some tips that helped me get my account back again. Stan I owe you one. Thanks a lot.
We hired Stan Consulting for Social Media Management. I do not know, what they are doing, but we have more traffic and sales from Instagram without paying any ads.
Highly recommend using there services
Love the agency and the team