Annie is a phenomenal tutor! She is attentive, and goes the extra mile to truly tailor the sessions to match the students skills. Im grateful our paths crossed and know my French has already improved. Merci, Annie!
Annie is a phenomenal teacher and cares about making the learning experience exactly what the student needs. She was incredibly helpful to my son and I appreciated her prompt communications with me and her warmth.
Annie is the best! She has helped me tremendously this past year as I felt like I was falling behind in my French course. She helped me with whatever I needed and ensured I didn’t feel so far behind!
Great tutor! Helped a lot :)
Having a lesson once per week with Annie completely changed the pace I was learning French! She keeps you excited and can provide power-points and worksheets from her years of teaching. When I was trying to learn french on my own, I was struggling to stay motivated. Annie is great at communication, shes patient, and makes you feel comfortable. I would highly recommend!
Ms. Meola was super helpful and helped me catch up on french really quickly! She is super flexible and very easy to communicate with. I totally recommend :)
Great French tutor!! Highly recommended!!
We are very happy with Annie as my daughter’s French tutor this year. She is very patient, flexible and professional. My daughter thinks Annie is very helpful with her challenging French grammar this year. Highly recommend!
Annie is a great French tutor! She is accommodating and flexible with scheduling and drafting lesson plans. She is open to adapting her lessons to make them individualized to what is most beneficial to learn. As an adult learner, she has been so helpful! Would definitely recommend.
She is absolutely wonderful! I am learning so much and feel like I am improving in my language! She is very flexible with her schedule and loves to work with her students!
Annie was so great and knowledgeable! Im an adult learner just getting back into the swing of French so I didnt know where to start a lot of the time. This was not a problem - she jumped right in and shared many resources with me that were useful and helped to prepare me for my upcoming trip to Paris. Also of note - I was intimidated at the thought of having a tutor but she made me feel at ease right away. I wasnt afraid to make mistakes in front of her. Highly recommend!
Annie is a great French tutor! She helped all 3 of my daughters excel in French. She is very, very accommodating and flexible to your schedule and works with you and your student to keep you both on the same page. I would highly recommend her :)
Ms. Meola is a fantastic tutor, highly recommended! Merci beaucoup!
Annie helped my son Cade through all of his high school French courses! She is great with flexibility with schedules, working with teachers and helping with grammar and whatever else he needed! Highly recommended!
Very helpful! We did grammar and I increased my French by a lot. Annalisa is extremely friendly and her cats are sweet. Nice to work with and very pleasant. :)
Annie helped me pass a class which I thought was going to be impossible. She summarized notes, readings and grammar in ways that really made sense to me. She also was always flexible and would help me absolutely anytime I needed it. Annie is a great tutor that will adapt to your learning style and needs in order to help you pass any level of french.
Amazing french tutor! Helped me on the final exam and her cats are the cutest.
Very flexible! I get As on quizzes now because Im able to understand it
Very helpful! I was struggling a lot in french but know I feel much better.
She was very helpful and explained everything well. Overall great!
Annalisa has always been helpful and professional in tutoring my daughter. I would highly recommend her.
Mrs. Meola has worked with many students; she does a great job ensuring that students are reviewing the material and provides them with supplemental material as well. I would definitely and highly recommend Mrs. Meola as your French tutor!
Annie is the best French tutor for all levels! Still helping me through French II! Merci!
Great!!! Annie teaches us the french we need to succeed in class, and makes it fun!
My french teacher had to leave and Mrs.Meola helped teach me through out my semester. She helped me keep my grade up all semester I’m super thankful to have her as a tutor!!
Good Tutor!