Laurel is an excellent tutor for ESL and French! Shes very friendly, knowledgable, and experienced. Highly recommended!
Ms. Archer is one of the best tutors out there! She knows how to teach and use resources effectively while also making it fun. Working with her is never somber, morose, or redundant! She is amazing at identifying problems in students, as well as figuring out how to solve them.
Laurel Archer is amazing and patient highly recommended
Laurel Archer is great at making her students really like her . And students need to like their tutor to learn! Ive worked with her for several years... give her a try and youll be glad you did.
Laurel Archer was fabulous! She worked with our 17 year old daughter on the English/reading portion of the SAT. Our daughter had taken the ACT and had scored lower than average on this portion. Laurel was recommended on the NextDoor app, so we called her. She is very friendly and flexible. My daughter enjoyed working with her. She relates well to teens and knows how to make learning fun. She also helped my daughter to plan her study time effectively. My daughter received her SAT scores last week and she scored 750 out of 800, which is in the 99th percentile! Thank you so much to Laurel and all of her help! She is definitely worth every penny!
Mrs Archer delivers with a customer first attitude. I would gladly recommend the services of this company
Laurel really cares about her students and their success.
Ive been working with Laurel Archer for about a year. My goal is to improve my spoken English for making professional presentations. English is my third language. We work online, doing a range of exercises and projects from phrase lists to reading poetry. Laurel helps me to identify learning goals specific to me and to each task, such as working on individual sounds that give me trouble and stressing key terms in a conference presentation. Laurel is always supportive, friendly, and warm during lessons, which helps me to stop worrying about my shortcomings and focus on improvement. We laugh a lot; while reaching the learning goals, each lesson also feels joyful, like a little party. Ive noticed a marked improvement in the clarity of my presentations. - Maria D.