A small part needed replaced on our Rainbow, I called ahead, took it in and it was fixed within minutes. While I was there, I noticed they sell all of the fragrance solutions too! I appreciate the service and will be back for any maintenance that we may need and to purchase more fragrance solutions!
Great product and professional staff.
This group is a absolute joke. Do not expect to get anything but screwed and run around in a circle. You will not get ANY THING you are promised. Run away if you must have a rainbow find another vender...
These people come to my home at 630, I tell them from the start Im not interested, I have a 3 yrs old and a 4 month old n my house and it is after 9pm and they are still here trying to sell my wife this vacuum she isnt going to buy! What dont you understand about NOT INTERESTED!!!!!!!!!
I can buy the same item at target for under $600.00.and why are most of youre reviews from other dealers?, (fact check)scam artists
Good product, good people.
Best of all time!!
I have not visited them, but as a housekeeper for over 25 years, I can tell you that it is the best vacuum cleaner on the market. NO one else works like a Rainbow. I am about to acquire one again.