Mercy Corps NW offers helpful resources and opportunities to fledgling businesses (business classes, low cost consultations, matched savings grants, and re-entry programs) I cant speak to what its like to work for this company, but as someone who has accessed their services, taken their classes, and gone through their grant program- if you are ready and willing to do the entrepreneurial work, they meet you more than halfway, and I found it an incredible resource, and very worth my time. The staff I interacted with were kind and supportive, and I would recommend the IDA program highly.
Can Relate to the fact that Mercy Corps HR selection is biased. Not recommended. Mainly hire native English speakers on key positions.
Worst recruitment experience ever. Biased, discriminate on national origin. STOP FUNDING those people. Not recommended.
Ive been involved and worked close with associates at MCNW at one point to began an entrepreneurial venture. I had a great experience of needed information. Im looking to try my hand at completing the buisness foundation 1 & 2 courses and getting my buisness started and reopened in 2022. 20/20 Vision Inc. will be reopening again soon
In January 12th, 2010, we have lost so many lives during the earthquake in Haiti. In this tragedy, babies, toddlers, teens, youth, adults, even elders were trapped under heavy concrete blocks. Within 72 hours, Mercy Corps has deployed its team in the capital, Port au Prince, not only to assess but to bring comfort to remaining living bodies, including myself at that time. Today, grace of donations from generous partners and individuals, after God, Mercy Corps has saved my life which brings life to my three beautiful children, five years later. Thats why I love Mercy Corps! When YOU donate...Mercy Corps gives..and Giving Hands to Someone gives Back to Another One.
This organization has been non-stop help and support for our fledgling company.I just recently attended the Marketing Mentor Night in Portland, it was the first outing for our business. Lisa Hill, Jana Kopp, and Mary Nichols sincerely helped and supported us. They truly did.I have to say it was a well organized and comfortable event.Bravo, Mercy CorpsColleen Evans HamsonNutrient Sense
I went to you in 2011 for housing help and you refused to help me after comming out of prison. All these years latter I am still homeless having no place of my own. Your refusal was answered in you dont help those charged with children sexual offenses. Have you ever? I asked. Never got a straight answer from the women. This Wrong full conviction without ANY evidence has continued to label and define me. I am NOT nor ever was the paper court lies listed over 20 yrs. ago. I lost my kids for forever. Now my true idenity is covered up with lies forced to live outcasted and hated and dispised AGAINST. But REAL CASES have housing and help. For the men. And set up beforehand prior to comming out of prison. And am no bum looking for state help. Wont play the poor me victim role (though I am a victim of circumstances) I work full time. Can get that but NO housing? For me anyway. Of all this towns so called agents(cys) claiming to help those with a barrier called prison into permanent housing why then am I STILL homeless after all of these years?? Still my guestion to Mercy (less) Core and all the rest. And continued to be turned away. A situation that HAPPENED to me. I am NOT THIS SITUATION. I am NOT THE PRESCRIBED WRITTEN WITHOUT PROOF WRONGFUL PROFILED PERSON. And with NO understanding, nor compassionate thinking over the years of looking for housing in this horrific, horrible life altering situation has ANYONE come forward to help me get thru a door to permanent housing.... Why? How many have you turned away looking for housing? And is it because of their claimed innocence NO ONES BELIEVING? Like me?? About saving face and not loosing the donated in comming monies. We ARE THE INNOCENTS. We exsit in the hundreds, the thousands and sadly in daily courts many more are added to the numbers and no one gives a damn to stop IT. A epidemic of wrongfully profiling INNOCENT peoples in their SITUATIONS that will damage their lives now for forever after prison leaving. But first the hell of imprisonment. And help offered to them is NOT FOUND. WHY?
Very helpful to people just getting out of prison. Many options and plenty of info.
Employee selection sucks and is not transparent