This place has a really nice staff actually and good loan deals with a good amount of time plus a grace period if neededthey are pretty leniant and will still help out if sometimes things come up like not having last check etc they still were able to help me out or getting a letter from employer with a stamp, and its hard out here with corona virus to make decent money so this place is 5 stars in my opinion, also its never usually busy, or maybe after 5 idk but ive never had a issue with huge lines and they dont work slow, and informitable.
This place sucks! Went in just to pick up western union, the guy had me fill out the whole form than when I went to hand it to him he asked how much it was for.... After I told him it was like he didnt want to waste his time, so he told me to just go to publix. Which was a half mile walk!
Never heard of it, never went