Tom is a professional and experienced coach who created an individual program that met my specific needs as a client. I have been working with Tom for 5 years now and he has shown me incredible tools and techniques to master adhd and turn what I previously saw as restrictions and setbacks into useful tools and breakthroughs.I started with him as an ADHD coach and now the coaching is focused on entrepreneurship training for my business. He has already helped my business to the next level 3 times and we are preparing for the next big steps. Thank you Tom!
Tom is the best. He creates a package just for me that allows him to meet me where Im at and help facilitate what I need even if Im not ready to hear it. He helps me hear it and do it and be it. Hes helped me with multiple self sabotaging behaviors, fears, traumas, and much more. My life would be crazy without Tom helping me. Im so grateful for everything he does for me, the children and everyone else he helps.
Responded quickly but they don’t seem interested in new clients; tone used was condescending and shallow; seemed to hold views that condradict academic research on the subject.