I love the ladies at Chatham. From uplifting female entrepreneurs to giving back to their community, the team behind the Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship at Chatham University does a wonderful job every time.Later this evening I’ll be walking with Anne Flynne Schlicht to catch up. I cannot fully express my gratitude to her for helping me get the application for exporter of the year! She has supported me tremendously, as well as other female entrepreneurs in the greater Pittsburgh region. Additionally, Anne is an instrumental team member and part of the reason the Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship has been recognized around the country with awards from national women’s centers.Overall, the team at the Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship at Chatham University is engaging, encouraging, and enlightening. Their networking opportunities are unparalleled and the team is always open to help however they can. Thank you for everything you do! (Posted on behalf of Rose Morris, founder and CEO of Abram’s Nation, maker of The Safety Sleeper)
Taking the Concept to Launch course at the CWE was the first piece of advice I got when starting my business, and it has proven to be one of the best. Every question or barrier I had on my start-up list was thoroughly addressed with each weeks class: what paperwork do I need to file? What insurance do I need? What will I need to open a bank account? Should I get a lawyer? Shortly after finishing the course, I launched my new business and have everything I need for a successful first year.
The Center for Womens Entrepreneurship provided the tools, guidance and inspiration to start my successful tour business 5 years ago . One of best services of the Center is that they continue to support their members with continual education opportunities that help entrepreneurs stay current and informed for better business and success !
Great organization that really cares about you and your business. The whole staff has business experience which is great to know the language and struggle. Anyone running their business CWE is vital!
I love Chathams Center for Womens Entrepreneurship!Such a tremendous group of smart, resourceful, inspiring and welcoming women (and some men, too)! Ive learned so much from the lectures, coffees, classes and networking.
Very nice staff clean offices.