This place have giving my son confidence in reading I mean he wants to take initiative to read now
Stay away and save yr time and money.kummon suck yr money and no result. Ive been with them almost six months i saw no improve in my kids.Grant location is the worst. They said each subject half hour but that lie sometimes ten minutes.they accept alot of kids and have less teachers.they care about money more that education.Very rude stuff. Only nice as new client aftef that they are busy collecting more victims .y pay alot of money fornothing.they dont diserve even one star
Nice please, good friendly staff, unfortunately they are really crowded with students, my kids get dropped off at 3:30 PM, but instead of finishing at 4:30pm, or they end up finishing at 5pm, they spend a lot of time waiting for teachers, right now they have 3 teachers for 20 something kids.