If you ever got a call from this place while job searching, do not go! They will not interview you for a job but having different people come in to talk to you about your resume and experiences. It was completely a waste of time. The managing director was unprofessional. I had a chance to talk to her. She kept talking without letting me saying anything about the job offer that she was offering me. It was a recruiter position for their firm. She completely disregard my presence there and kept saying, you have no experiences but I see that you are intelligent so we want to hire you, but I cannot offer you your desired salary. Afterwards, she crossed out my salary on the application form in front of me. I thought that was rude and by using reverse psychology on me, she thought I would take the job with lower than a minimum wage. I am looking for a job, but not desperate to the point to lower myself to work at a job that doesnt value me as an individual.
Are they legit? They seem very shady.
J1772 is right next to the building across over the railway. Good enough for topping off to the full battery level.