New case worker every month and aHalf. No communication. The turnover is horrible, every cpl of weeks Im getting a phone call from my current case worker telling me they are leaving. I cannot wait until this case is over in July so my kids can have some stability and peace of mind. Introducing a new person, every other month, to children that already have trust issues is not in the best interest of the child. Stability and compassion is what they need.
I hope United Post to help families and keep them together but instead Im fighting for my son going on two years this organization lie and lie to my child have lots of me have a lot in court and now theyre trying to adopt my child when I complete the parent management plan I have a public defender on my case Christina Young please somebody help me I want my son is diabetic type 1 and every foster home hes been in he snuck food just like when one hope United took him for me my Son was sneaking food one hope United was supposed to help me not take him from me please someone help me Im never giving up my parental rights.
Dealt with this agency, 3 times—different case workers, different supervisors same experience. They lie, they are not trained properly, they do not properly investigate and they lie. I literally thought to be a case worker here all you needed to do was to complete a weekend internet course. They are that laughable. And the Orange County dcf lawyer we dealt with was just as bad. I could go in to detail about all the issues I have with this agency and the people involved but they aren’t worth it. I do foster care to help the children that need help, If i did it because of the experience or the people involved I would have quit a long time ago. Know what you are getting into when you deal with this agency. They get one star because I can’t give any lower, not even worth the one star.
This is a horrible but horrible agency do not take a kid from here thinking you will love them be with your family teach them because they will rip the child out of your care FAST! They do not care about the kids they lie so much about everything and everything. Nothing is done in the best interest of the kids. Please please listen to me it is sad sad . So sorry I had to say this but they did me wrong so wrong. They do not follow what is right...
I experience first hand the unprofessionalism and the ignorance these people offer. They do not care about the safety of the child, things that are supposed to be documented, are not. They have no communication with the foster parents, they just show up and do what they want without taking consideration on what is best for the child. They have a lack of respect, take short cuts and do not represent them self accordingly to the position they hold.
Has been an absoult nightmare ! They went so far back into my past as a minor and are using things my parents did against me. They are rude and Disrespectful, supervisors never call back. I have had to report them to the state.I have called the Director and she has not called back I have called Bridgett and no call backThe person Dealing with our paper work is so too faced and disgusting! Talks about other familys to you and the. Expects you to fail. I cant believe any of them. I agree the front desk woman is nice.
All I can say is wow. Unethical liars that only want to close cases.
I dont know to much about this place and what kind of work they do BUT we received at home a letter where they were trying to find supposedly the family or people who know some children that apparently they are in charge of. Well I even cry because if this nation is in that condition that a agency have to be sending random people letter to locate family for a child this is a very sad place. Children lost contact with family? Wow! Sad Sad. So the letter said to call them even if we dont know anything about this children s and so I did and here we go the person who answer the phone was VERY unprofessional cold rude. So with that said I can imagine how they will treat children and families????
Been waiting a couple months for a new case worker and no one answers back feel abandoned here. After I posted this message all of my services were removed even after speaking to the vice president who gave me her word we would have support. all support for the children and I were removed the video proof were never looked at and we were left to suffer. Stranger none of my case workers no longer work here.
Stay as far away as possible