Great staff very professional in all ways also willing and ready to support new employees.
Don’t receive services here ! They fraud the state just to get money overspending tax dollars !!
Arc has a bad habit of wrongfully terminating employees one for being disabled one for being pregnant two others wrongfully terminated due to no written or verbal policy . Always file for unemployment, submit a complaint to the department of labor, sue for wrongful termination in smalls claims court. Go to and look up judicial branch .Their unlawful behavior should not go unpunishedFight for your rights
Its always hectic with everyone willing to help. Great place and staff.
I worked for the ARC for 3 years and the amount of abuse and neglect that they let happen is not ok. Instead of handling it they just let it slide by and punish the person who reports the abuse and neglect. It is not a good place for anybody.
Great place for help with people who are limited. Caring warm help.
Awesome clients and coworkers are like family
There are some very amazing people here
Staff sucks!! They dont question people they have never seen before
Nice location
Its OK
We are hiring!!!!