They come out once a week to the property I live at and do a horrible job honestly. They ride around on the mower with the blade up so the grass never actually gets cut looks just the same as before they came. They blow all the dirt leaves etc up to your door and leave it. There is no care given when they are doing the work. I’ve seen companies on their worst day do better then this company on their best day sadly. They have a couple employees who actually care but that’s about it. Don’t see them at this property to much. Before and after pictures look EXACTLY the same.
On October 2 the mowing crew hit my vinyl fence causing damage. Sent pictures to HOA.They contacted Turfscape.Oct.24 and no response
I first started working with Turfscape 10 years ago when we hired them to completely redo the landscape and lawn maintenance at the 77 unit, 100 + acre homeowners association where I lived at the time. Being on the Board of the HOA I worked closely with Turfscape Year around. After I moved to my new home, I again hired Turfscape for my lawn care and landscape needs. There simply is not another company whos work compares to the folks at Turfscape. They are all professional, friendly, efficient and do a phenomenal job no matter the task and are dedicated to customer satisfaction. I also volunteer at a local animal shelter and coordinated a community giveback program with TS in which they organized over 50 their employees to volunteer their time and completely revitalize the yard in which the animals at the shelter get their daily exercise. They turned a run down acre of fenced in yard into a park like setting complete with tress, shrubs, proper drainage and new grass. ALL by the employees who volunteered their time. Beyond that they continue to help the shelter maintain the yard at no cost. Turfscape is a model organization and comes with my highest recommendation.
I asked for a for a job. I called 3 times with never a return call. Losers.
I currently live in a complex that Turfscape manages. Lets just say my experience has been unpleasant. During a recent snowstorm, the employees of turfscape replaced a ln orange snow stake with a broken one at the edge of me driveway, the stake was position at 45 degrees, as I was leaving out of my driveway, my 2016 Nissan Maxima was scratch badly. Turfscape refuses to pay for the damages to my car. Even though their own policy states we replace broken orange stakes with new ones.I will be in the process of having my HOA find another landscape company, because this is truly unprofessional.
Zero communication with tenants or landlords. They will mow mulch and throw salt into your vehicles with no consideration. This business is just a bunch of kids with gear.
Great service
Great place to earn a living