Linh Song is a disrespectful person, she continued to run me down about not being a U.S Citizen when I had my passport present. She then continued to ask me how long have I been a citizen for. She gave me gloves which are latex and did not ask me if I was allergic or not. When I asked her why she didn’t ask me about a latex allergy, she stated “that’s not the point”. She then stated she caught me in a lie because my phone was disconnected while speaking to her. If we got disconnected then we did but don’t call me a liar. She is not professional and I asked for my documents that was printed and left.
They waste your time talking about nothing all day. Enforcing fake rules and complain about you being human. Everyone had covid and was sitting so close to each other. If you want a professional environment this isn’t it!!!! They pretend but not so well
I currently work with Self Help Community Services Holocaust Survivor program of the Bronx and Washington Heights offices. I have had the pleasure of working with Self Help for almost 4 years now. What you find at Self Help is something extremely special. Special staff working with some of the most special populations. Working with Holocaust Survivors is an honor and also a privilege and it is a wonderful feeling knowing that I am helping to fulfill one of Self Help’s primary missions, one that started 85 years ago. Serving the Holocaust Survivor population is a reminder of resiliency, strength, wisdom, and grace. Many of the survivors we serve are struggling with financial hardship and Self Help is able to help many through generous financial assistance grants, and with providing home care or housekeeping services. These services help our clients live with dignity and independence while residing in the community. I am proud to be a social worker with Self Help and to be a part of such a wonderful community. My colleagues, directors, supervisors, and all of the clients are a constant reminder as to why I chose to work with Self Help.
Selfhelps programs in Queens are one-stop shops. Whether you live in their senior housing, or at a NORC, or attend a Selfhelp senior center, the staff is very warm and caring, and will work hard to get you the answers you are looking for, and the services you need.
I worked for this company for a year is the worst company in the world to work for they don’t care about the patient or the employees all they care about is their money that they are getting don’t ever if you care about your parents do not send them to this place
No. No. NO stay away from this place and their HHA training. Went in for orientation yesterday all they talk about is religion, favor ppl of a certain religion look down on you if you are not religious or look a certain way. Don’t know how to speak to grown adults (Francis David) prides themselves on being rude to you. I am here for training not to be disrespected. Go to another place for training don’t even waste your time
They helped me, so much. Thank you.
I went to an orientation to this place recently a week ago. Turns out that the workers there are prejudice against anyone who is not a Xstian, as well as they consistently referencing their religion in how they speak. I also noticed that there are already bits of favoritism if you dont look a certain way or not be a certain ethnicity. Do yourself a favor and get the HHA training somewhere else where your race or religion doesnt at a part in whether or not youre liked by the staff. This place is not worth it. On top of that, the staff doesnt understand how to speak to folks. It doesnt matter your age; you dont threaten anyone with a chancla (Margie) or speak to grown adults like theyre children (Carmen Soto).
Iam not hating this place but its look like they dont deal with other race because i just finished a training with them the just given me 2 days work that doesnt make any sense
Horrible service provider. All talk no actionDo not count on them for anything
This is really a very special organization!
A great company i love to work for them and nice people always willing to work with you and your schedule they always on top of there patient if theres a problem with there health or if they need information of gear for easy home access.
I worked for Selfhelp for almost 5 years this angecy change over the years I used to like it but know its not a good angecy they send the aide to the dirtiest and nastiest homes to work the last home I went to its was dead mouses and big waterbugs all over that nasty house so I did not want to be there plus the client tried to hit me with a pair of scissor I told the angecy about it nothing was done about it selfhelp dont care about there workers thats why I went and got a better job then they have the nerve to tell me Im fired for missing two classes no I quit months ago and Im happy to be done with them dont work for this angecy and if you do make sure you have another job for backup cus this angecy is horrible
To Whom It May Concern,My name is Julia and I am writing to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your program, I was referred by a friend and upon joining it has been beneficial to me in a tremendous numbers of ways. I have met new friends, learned a lot from the variety of classes you make available, the interactions between the facilitator and the class makes you feel like you are all together even though we are all in various places. I am bed ridden and has been for the last few years but your classes has given me a new outlook I have started exercising and may I say even though it is a challenge I do enjoy it.The simplest thing like open chat has created a online community where we can all come and laugh and encourage each other. I am writing this letter to thank you for providing us with these many opportunities but to also ask for your assistance to reach others within my community and allow more seniors to enjoy the wonderful resources and companionship of others from the comfort of their own home.Being a elderly and bed bound one may think there isnt much to do and they may even be right to some extension if they dont have a program like yours to help each day go by more comfortably. This program has given me a way to still be involved and have less limitations .and it is this freedom that you have provided me with that I would love to extend to other in similar situations as my own, by extending it to my neighborhood so I am asking if there is anyway that you can assist in broadening the scope of this program it would be greatly appreciated.Julia Agyemang
Impressed with the depth of knowledge and breadth of experiences staff have in terms of helping older adults live independently and safely at home.
This company is out of control. Selfhelp is the right name for them they help there selfs all right. They havent helped my grandma in anything. All they worry about is her bank accounts nothing more nothing less. They havent even visited her or checked up on her since me and my husband came into the picture. Everytime we call or go to the office to talk they all ways rush us off like they to busy and they are very rude. Please people think before even calling them for there help. Its the worst thing you could do.
The devil is a lie and self help is the devil . Please avoid working here and even getting their services idk who paying these people to write 5 star reviews, but only God knows. These sick people love to pride them selves on having mentors.. and peer coaches... WHAT A LOAD OF CROC first off none of these devils help you .. most of the slave masters right handers run around keeping the rest of the slaves in check I am not naming names miss june..liz...frances... Margie the whole old hag squad .... In all reality 13 an hr for WHAT there is not enough money in this world that would make me lower my standards to be a part of a scam agency. You people like to bring God into your b.s please you dont know the truth of God, and whats actually coming for you heathens. Run along in youll little lives and keep pretending that you people are making a difference and you guys are the best because most of your reviews say different. We are in the last hour on this filth ridden earth,and I damn sure wouldnt be even caught dead working for you scum of the earth
After my initial reviw nothing has changed, oh wait the company has become evn worse. Im in the proccess of call albany and omrdd to see what i can do to have this company audited. Your people answering phone arebeyond unprofessional and know nothing about your clients. The staff you send into peoples homes to assist are lazy nasty people who act like they doin a person a favor not havong a jpb its a job eitber come teady to work or stay home. The scheduling is horrible just beyond unprofessional you guys have not improved you have gotten worse and to rob the government of grant monet to abuse clients that dont even know it how dare tou. The aides need to be tested set up a fake case and send eachc thereand seehow these staff act at ur clients houses when supervisors and everyone isnt there. Horribke im reporting this company its a scam and u refused to change. To other CLIENTS IF AN AIDE IS AT YOUR HOUSE BECAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY THESE AIDES TALK ABOUT THEIR CLIENTS INFO TO EVERYONE BELIEVE ME WHEN NE AIDES COME TO MY HOUSE I HEAR ABOUT THEIR OTHEE CLIENTS I HEAD IT ALL THIS COMPANY HAS NO VUES THWIR STAFF HAVE NO MANNERS RUDE DISRESPECTFUL WOMEN WHO WANT TO BOSS U AROUND AND NOT DO ANYTHING BUT SIT IN A CHAIR IN UR HOUSE AND GP ON THWIRS PHONE DUMP THWIR PHONE BET THWYBON FACEBOOK AND U PAYING THWM 15 AND HR TO GO ON FACEBOOK GOOD FOR U SELFHELP SMH
Selfhelps Virtual Senior Center is a profoundly impactful service for the lives of NYCs senior community.My octogenarian grandmother recently signed up for the service after learning about it at her local community center. Selfhelp set her up with an Internet connection and a computer with VSCs software.The VSC software was a perfect introduction to the world of computing for my Grandmother. The software conceals much of the complexity of the computer and allows Grandma to focus on the essential basics of using a computer. She can now surf the Internet, email and make a Skype call.Having a tech savvy family member help with some introductory lessons is ideal. Simple lessons on how to use a mouse and how to type into a Google search box made a big difference in her enjoyment and engagement.The local community and classes are excellent. Grandma is now engaged with new people from her neighborhood, and the service is lifting her spirits at a time of decreased mobility. The classes are on interesting topics. After taking a recent class, Grandma recently gave me an update on the profound impact of 3D printing of all things.This is a remarkable service that deserves kudos.
In May of this year, my 89 year old mother called me with a problem. While at her local senior center, she was informed that she was eligible for the services of Self Help Virtual Senior Center which would provide her with a computer free of charge. She would be able to access the internet, Skype, email and participate in online classes with other seniors in the program.Mom wondered if this could be true. Could such a service exist and if it did would it be too difficult to learn how to use a computer at her age? After speaking with the facilitators at VSC, we were convinced that this was a great program for Mom. Her advanced age leaves her homebound more than she would like and the chance to socialize from home would be most welcome.The computer was set up by George. He was kind and competent and gave Mom enough instruction to get her started. He assured her that help with any issues was readily available and provided her with all of the contacts that she needed. The computer has a large screen and keyboard and is perfect for her.After a few more hours of hands on instruction by family members and the computer basic course provided, Mom was navigating the internet, using Google and Wikipedia to find the answers to the many questions she has on any given day.She accesses email, plays Solitaire and enjoys many hours of entertainment on You-Tube. Skype calls with her children and grandchildren are a wonderful new experience as are the daily classes offered with VSC.The staff at VSC have been so helpful and respectful of the elderly. Special thanks to Hang, George and Peter who have been so kind to Mom. Thank you all so much for the service that you provide. It is a wonderful program!
Caring agency. Been in there 31yrs.
The most unprofessional, corrupt organization ever. Poorly run with no real passion or care for assisting people. Stay clear!
This place is nothing but fegs 2.0
Great community worker
Bad bad
These people are asinine
The little time that I have been working in this agency I have no complaints, I have a very polite coordinator and she is always aware of whatever I need (Alice Ruiz). I took the course there and the French and Bella teachers were excellent teachers.The only thing that Im having problems with is with the cell application that is striking out, I already have 3 checks that take 15 minutes from me and the application if I strike at 9am comes out that it strikes at 9:15 am and it has not been worth that punch out 15 minutes or more than 15 minutes.
It is an excellent agency. Very responsible for both patients and employees.