Great, amazing and a very professional company to work for.
Not a good place to be at! They are just so proud to have a spot in NYC!
Jasmine Javaheri is a Director of Engineering and Construction at Entech Engineering Pc. She hired our company to do a very complicated improvement project involving the removal of structural walls and the installation of a 1500 pound steel I beam that supports the majority of the living space on the first floor of her home. Upon inspection of the supporting walls we discovered tremendous water damage in the rear of her home which desperately needed repair. She approved the work, as did her husband, which involved the full reconstruction of her framing and drywall of over 70% of the project work area. Jasmine Javaheri, as an engineer, complemented our work and we completed the job with all the necessary permits and final approvals from the Town of Oyster Bay. Upon completion, she informed us that she would not be paying us for all the extra work that her and her husband approved and we had completed. While engaged in our work she also learned that we were entering into HER SPACE by bidding jobs in New York City and the five boroughs for government work. This angered her greatly, fearing that our experience and knowledge in her companies area of expertise could hurt her earnings. She threatened us on more than one occasion saying that we would never get NYC government work because she had worked there as an employee of the city for many years and OWNED THAT BUSINESS! When I challenged her on our prospects she laughed at me and said OBVIOUSLY YOU DONT KNOW HOW JOBS ARE GIVEN OUT BY THE CITY! She threatened to ruin our reputation so that we couldnt get government work. She had screaming matches with plumbers, electricians and the architects we introduced her to and was a vicious animal to all our workers. Need I say more? So Jasmine, I thank you for your bad review on yelp because it opened up a forum for me to expose you for who and what you are. Yelp, as many do not know, allow unscrupulous charachters like Jasmine Javaheri to post fake reviews in order to hurt legitimate businesses. Home Advisor, on the other hand, looked at the videos we had taken of Jasmines Javaheris behavior and refused to post her bad review knowing that it was all untruthful lies. As a footnote...She never paid us for the work we completed. We later also learned, that she has cheated on other contracts and refused payments with three other construction companies. Reading the other reviews, this seems to be a recurring theme! If anyone needs an engineer, make sure you dont use this woman because she is a deadbeat from hell and one has to question what type of company would hire such a person.
I like the vibe of the office
Good but not the best
This past winter I was hired by Entech Engineering to provide snow plowing and salting services at the US Defense / Defense Logistics Agency Strategic Materials located in Scotia, NY. The contract between my business and Entech, which was provided by Entech, was followed throughout the winter and there were not any complaints of the services provided by my business. Soudabeh Sue Bayat, owner of Entech, has not paid me for any of the salting this past winter and is giving me the run around.I find this appalling as a taxpayer and small business owner, since Entech has apparently been paid by the US federal government for my services, as well as other services at this facility. When I signed the contract with Entech I assumed I was dealing with a reputable business, since they were hired by the US government. Apparently, I was wrong.If this is how they do business, I feel they should not be doing business with any government entity and receiving taxpayer dollars.Phil TrifaroLatham, NY 12110
Great Engineering company to work for.
If you don’t mind the the smelly and unpleasant indoor air, that is the right place to work, nice view!!!