I recently stopped into Good Work Network to talk to someone about the programs they offer to local small businesses. My expectations were far surpassed by Lawless Turner and his knowledge about the industry in New Orleans. He has given me a wealth of information a d potential connectionsand this was just our first meeting. Im excited to see where his expertise will help to take my venture. 5/5 stars definitely recommended for small businesses looking to find their way in New Orleans.
I participated in Lawlis Turners marketing class offered by the Entrepreneurial Institute at the Goodwork Network. Lawlis is an excellent instructor on a useful subject and I highly recommend the course.
Im a existing business owner and I was referred to GWN by a trusted friend. I wasnt 5 minutes into my initial consultation when the guy (Mr. Lawless) DISRESPECTED me to the point I had to get up and leave before things got out of hand.He asked me what are some of my challenges Im having with my business. So as Im elaborating, (not 90 seconds into my response), he tells me... I dont wanna hear all that. I dont care about your problems. Im just being honest.1st of all, how can you ask someone a question and then say you dont want to hear the answer?2nd of all, isnt that what you are BEING PAID for? To hear a potential clients issues regarding their business and see if your services can help said potential client.3rd of all, WHERE IS THE PROFESSIONALISM? At no point should a client be made to feel uncomfortable or disrespected. And that was an example of both.This is one of many reasons why it is extremely difficult as a minority business owner to go to places for consultation. Especially if the people put in those positions to assist us apparently have an issue with their job or the clients or themselves to where it effects their ability or willingness to do their job. A job that they receive GOVERNMENT FUNDS to do. To say I was extremely disappointed would be an emense understatement.
In my opinion, I think they are not doing what their mission States. .. How you dont allow business owners to print what they need when you state in your mission your providing services for small businesses. Some of the staff need attitude adjustments. The restrooms are clean and the class they had was informative, however, I still need help applying the information. Maybe theres a gap in the information I received at the class. Anyway. .. This is my personal opinion. .. ps.. It was raining and I was hungry no food for a 7 hour class. .. brrrrrr.
I am a Visiting fellow for the Good work Network(GWN) organization based in New Orleans. GWN manly works with low income community to uplift the living standards by Business consultation on the communities business ideas.
Great organization doing good work in the community and helping others gain the skills to do the same! I took a pre-venture workshop that was very hands on and informative and got to work closely one-to-one with Nilima, their nonprofit specialistn who was very helpful as well.Goodwork Network is a great resource for anyone starting a new business in New Orleans. They also offer workshops for musicians to jumpstart their careers, as well as backend/admin services.Everyone is friendly and wants to see you succeed!
Beautiful people