Highly hyper insensitive racists management. They curse profoundly out loud and at you if you are an employee, and threatened your job when you ask not to curse at you. They are rude, ignorant of others, when they are done talking with them behind their backs.They gossip and talk behind everyone back and want you to include yourself in the madness. If you are not participating in their daily filth of others,, they will not talk, or say good morning or hello with you and try micro-aggressive tactics of ignoring you and only talking with themselves, take away the helpdesk phone so you ticket count is down, or to not give you work to do, so it looks like you are not part or progressing with the company, with these tactics they try to make you feel unease or make an mistake, so they can have something to talk or harp about. Now this is a small office 3 men, but you would think it was haggling of three witches screeching about nothing. The professionalism is a negative 0, for if the outside client like you because of your great customer services, they will try and argue and say you spend too much trying to help them and dont trust them because they will stab you inthe back. Hell they were stabbing me in my back from the first time I said not to curse at me.