I reached out to Dean at Innerview Consulting when I was considering a career change. He was extremely pleasant to work with, and used excellent tools to provide me with new insights about my strengths, personality, priorities, and work style/preferences. Dean provided both tangible resources (books, assessments, etc) as well as an empathic ear. While he encouraged me to explore new career avenues, he was also very realistic in his recommendations. Id highly recommend him for career guidance.
I worked with Dean last year to help prepare to transition from academic work to business. He was very helpful in working with me to develop a clear rationale to explain why the move I was considering made sense for me and for my potential employer, as well as developing succinct ways to talk about my history, my skills, and how they could help me contribute to my proposed role in a new field. Dean was genuinely interested in my story and goals, and I enjoyed working with him.