The company is awsome at doing there job hands down.However I worked there and it was a very Toxic place to be in.I dealt with alot I had to swallow my pride many times.I went to the echeolon of the owners it didnt do any good.I was not treated as a man let alone a human being.I was at the mercy of managements mood that day. I felt like no matter what I can do it was not going to be good enough to get respect.A few others I knew had there share of experiences.As far as job completion Id say they are good at what they do.
Big D gives top notch services to all your oil field needs 👌!! Also a great company to work for👷♂️
The best Co. To feel all your oil company needs.
Another oil field company out here in west Texas that doesnt care about safety, traffic laws or slowing down in a construction zone. What and idiot. Flying through the 45mph construction on some big oilfield emergency...oh never mind, just trying to get to the stripes for a burrito SMDH!
Great place to work, people friendly
Great place to work ..
Great place to work