This company posted a hiring immediately ad on craigslist with a date and time to show up. I arrived at the company at 930am dressed in business casual. I was handed a application which I filled out and the young man at the front desk made copies of my 2 forms of identification which he asked for upon my arrival. At the time a older woman walked from out of the very first office on the right hand side and frowned her face up with disgust when she saw me. Im assuming its because I wasnt of Spanish descent which everyone else there were. I was the only black female in the room, infact I was the only black person there. She sent him a text message requesting that he not hire me. I felt so hurt and discriminated against. Racism is real and it exist heavily within this company. I wouldnt support them or recommend them to anyone.
This is the perfect place to come when you need a job
Great experience