I had such great success with Kyle Keller because of the way he thought, the way his brain worked and how well he articulated his thoughts and ideas with me, and vice versa. I loved how hed jump down this rabbit hole with me to this psychedelic, metaphysical space to the dance of therapy. I loved quoting Watts and Jung and other philosophers or Buddhist, even religious ideas together. His balance of not allowing this deep mindset to take over but eloquently shared a healthy balance of living this mentality without diving too deep and making it our sole identity.This is where I thrived. When we connected on a deep core spiritual level, thats where I found myself the happiest, also where I grew the most.Thats what I need in a therapist. I need someone to care. Care actively, care intently and show that in a raw form. Thats where the true connection was built, thats what kept me coming back. That is what healed me.So much love and appreciation for what this person has done for my life and my families life. This journey saved me and Im so glad I had his support to finding myself.