Very spiritual Place great atmosphere loving people love all the sacred grounds
The place and people were awesome
The 3 Rivers Pow Wow is a special and sacred gathering that brings friends and family together from all four directions. It is a gathering for native people and guess to continue the native way with native food and native dancing. And for native vendors to sell native clothes, supplies and goods. It brings people together to have fun and communicate together in a native way.
Just needs places to set and chairs us elders cant take the sun to well..It was a Happy Day seeing old friends and making new ones..
Great food and lots of fun to see them dance and the weather was great
I really enjoy this experience I was lucky to participate in the bear sweat every Sunday open sweat for the community so you can feel the real Native American Experience I love to participate in the ceremonies Universal Turtle Lodge
Love going to the powwows every year at Three Rivers Indian Lodge!
Helping American natives reach and maintain a drug and alcohol free and Spirit filled lifestyle.
Excited for the next pow wow in July. A beautiful experience. Thank you.
Had a great time at the Native American Indian Pow Wow.
3 rivers powpow was awesome love to watch the dancers
The best place to find your self
A little bit run down but do supporting to the recovering native Americans.
Excellent recovery program.
Had a fun day at pow wow
Manteca Three Rivers Lodge alcohol and drug recovery programs
Its the best way for recovery.
Powwow exceeded expectations. Will be back!
Power SPOT
Great Spirits
Grateful for the opportunity to be of service
Outside Aa and Na meetings
Came to see the PowWow
Sweats and healing for the community
Grate rehab