****** READ THIS BEFORE YOU GO HERE *******First and most important, no program is perfect. But this being a success or failure will really come down to the effort you put into the process. By no means do I think I could have done this without the support of 1 Method, but I also have to acknowledge that I truly wanted to change, and I didnt expect that anyone or anything would make those changes for me. I notice a lot of people who posted negative reviews are all about the victim card, essentially saying the program DID something negative to them or a loved one. Frankly, thats BS. Especially the one that tested positive for cocaine and then is blaming the facility for holding them accountable. Thats the kind of stuff that lead to NO SUCCESS. That all said, I found the program overall to be tremendous. The only knock I would say is the food, because its very healthy. Its all interconnected with the health and fitness aspect, but I would have liked more sweets and carb filled foods. But thats probably not what I needed considering I lost a good amount of weight I had gained over the past couple years. I also found the therapy to be impeccable. The whole team I worked with was phenomenal and truly helped me to address not just my addiction, but my depression/anxiety as well. Overall, I would recommend 1 Method (and have) to anyone in need of their services.
I am deeply grateful for their courage to steer me in the direction that I needed to go but was uncomfortable in going. I feel extremely satisfied in regards to my treatment plan and aftercare through the Right Step. I feel better equipped to handle my sobriety. The best part of my experience was being forced to look at different aspects of my life that I did not want to look at and surrounding myself with people with similar thoughts and addictions.
Get the Inside ScoopI attended 1 Method Center approximately 6 months ago. My reason for enrollment was depression, anxiety, and some mishandling of alcohol. Regardless, my problem with alcohol was secondary to my mental health issues. Thats important to note because it was critical to me that the program focused more on mental health issues than my addiction. In that regard, the process I underwent was highly 1 to 1 and the care was customized to my specific mental health needs. And that went for everyone I was in treatment with as well, which on that note, included 5 other people at the time I was there. (The program only treats a total of 6 people at a time so we were at max capacity.) During my time there each of us was assigned a psychiatrist, a doctor, a therapist, a case manager, a trainer, a breathwork/meditation specialist, and a family therapist. A 12-month long family program is actually included in the cost of treatment. The main people I worked with made up my Core Team. There are a few other people youll likely have as well, like the nutritionist and a masseuse. On that note, for massages (They call it body work.) we actually went to an outside massage studio on Saturdays, or sometimes Sundays. I liked my masseuse but some others didnt. But when you really add it up the team of people you work with is very comprehensive. They met with me almost daily and they met as a group to discuss my progress each week. (I met with my therapist 3xs/week and my case manager 2xs/week.) If I was falling short or losing direction, they would adjust my plan of care accordingly or prompt me back towards the right direction. This helped tremendously along the way and I found myself staying generally on a straight path towards healing and solutions to my problems. What I discovered while I was there was really the origin of my depression and how it led to my anxiety which in turn led to my drinking. Once I had a grasp on that I was given new coping strategies to manage my mental health in a healthier way. Essentially, I got a clean sheet to start over, in a safe environment where my new skills could be practiced and I could gain confidence that when I left I wouldnt slip back into my old ways of doing things. Regarding leaving, there are actually short and longer term treatments available. You can stay in the program for days, weeks, or months, depending on your needs. They have what they call a Continuum of Care which I didnt know about when I checked in. That means that there are phases of treatment that are designed to address different issues/problems that come up in the recovery process along the way. Some people took longer in treatment and some took shorter but in general it seemed like people stuck with the program longer than 30 days. After I completed my month I decided to do any extra 2 weeks in residential and then transferred into Outpatient. Outpatient care is at another location (There are 4 different residential locations and outpatient is at another location in West Los Angeles, below UCLA.) that focused on supporting the my transition from the safety and structure of Residential care. The combination of treatments worked for me and my mental health problems have not been a problem since I left. I would actually say that all-in-all my experience with 1 Method Center was extraordinary and life-saving. I dont have a lot of experiences with treatment centers but I would and have recommended the program to others in need of help.
Ultimately, this program is a great place to make changes. I do think its important to work while in the treatment center, whether its 1 Method or somewhere else. If you dont do the work, nothing will happen. During my stay I was confronted with the reality that I could continue to act the way I always did, or I could try something new. I chose to stop using and try something new. Not everyone does. Some people actually used drugs while going home on pass, and then blamed the program for their relapse, or denied it entirely. I guess thats one way to do treatment but thats not what I wanted for myself. I learned a lot about myself and why I do the things I do. More importantly, I learned how to cope in healthier ways and how to do things differently. Im grateful for my time here and feel I got exactly what I needed. If you choose the center, Im confident you will too.
We sent our son to this facility and were disappointed at the level of service. He was not seen by a therapist for over 1 week and did not get a qualified case manager as well. He was also disappointed with the access to the gym which was over promised and under delivered. Lastly, they said he tested for a substance which he denied and he got a lie detector test and hair folicle test that showed he didnt. The only option they gave him was a higher level of care which he wasnt interested and then refused to give us a refund for unused time and now we are in a contract dispute. The offer to use the credit is worthless as he is 9 months sober and does not need to go back to sober living. The have forced us into mediation and arbitration to get our money back (over $30,000). This has been a very disappointing experience as a parent
Amazing clinical team with decades of experience in treating mental health and addiction. These people truly care about the clients and their families!!! 1 Method super-cedes the standard of care providing a treatment environment with a foundation of trust and ethical virtues. Focusing on all aspects of recovery mind, body and soul, working with clients to develop healthy habits for recovery.
I went to the Bannockburn location in May of 2015. It was the beginning of my new life. If it weren’t for the excellent support I wouldn’t be who I am today. I was 18 with an addiction. I was a high school drop out and my parents are both addicts so I had no support from them. Since my experience with 1Method I’ve got my GED, am in a healthy relationship, have a daughter, full time job, in college pursuing a degree and much more. To say I am thankful for Cassidy and the 1Method team would be an understatement. If you are on the fence about going to any rehab in Los Angeles this is the only one I’d recommend. I appreciate their help SO much!
The most professional and attentive treatment facility there is.
Really need to thank 1 Method. I had two friends go through their program and be successful in their respective recoveries. I recommend them to anyone who is serious or even on the fence about seeking help. ESPECIALLY if they’ve relapsed after going somewhere else before. This is individual and personal treatment at it’s finest, no question about it. I’ve been around recovery in LA for a good while and there’s a lot of BS programs out there. It’s really refreshing to know places like 1 Method still exist. So a big shout out to the founder. He was there at the beginning from our first call to treatment and all along the way. That spoke to not only both of them, but to me. I really appreciated that. I now their families did too. The whole team is great and Id give you 50 stars if I could.
One of the best treatment centers I have ever witnessed offering unique and personalized treatment plans for all clients who walk through the door. Highly recommended.
Theres no way that I could possibly afford this place. Let alone still pay my rent and somehow take care of my dog.....Im assuming that the majority of the people leaving reviews are wealthy or are dependants.
The think I find curious about 1 Method is also why they are effective. It’s amazing to me that their approach isn’t standard in other rehabs. I mean, integrated care should be the standard IMO. At any rate, if you have been to other programs and been unsuccessful in your goals, go here. They are by far the best program I have ever been to. Trust me, if it worked for me it can work for anyone.
I am truly thankful for all of the staff at 1MC! Everyone from the psychiatrists, doctors, the counselors, therapists and techs were extremely important in providing me with many of the concepts and tools I needed to change my life! The wellness program is incredible and life-changing by itself. If you have depression, anxiety, biplor or any mental illness, this place can help beyond just addiction and alcohol problems. 1 Method is worth every penny. Truly a 5 star rehab all around.
This place is on another level... it has not only freed me from years of suffering from a devastating mental illness and addiction, but also has given me the tools to transform my life and succeed. The staff is professional and friendly. Management is involved and cleary the top in the field. This place is truly like a 5 star resort. Amazing place, amazing people, amazing experience...if anyone is thinking about going here my advice would be to take the plunge. The water’s wonderful!!!
This program isn’t about labeling you an addict. This program isn’t about saying over and over, “You’re going to die!” This program is about becoming physically, mentally, and spiritually fit. The result is you won’t need drugs or alcohol anymore. It’s almost like reverse psychology. By becoming happy with yourself and fulfilled, you don’t need negative fuel anymore. It’s a truly innovative approach that works. I would check them out if you have anything beyond just addiction. They deal with the core issues and help you heal from the inside out.
Ive been in or worked in treatment for the last 3 years, and 1 Method Center is up there with the best of them. The staff is talented and caring, the management is excellent, and the level of thought to the treatment of each individual patient is astounding.
What makes the difference to me as an interventionist and a family recovery advocate is authenticity of the program. 1 Method consistently delivers on their brand promise. Its not just words on a website or in a brochure. They literally meet you where you are and then do not leave you there. They assertively include family in the treatment and recovery plan as they recognize the more they participate the better the outcomes. Not only that but when you call 1 method Center the owner answers the phone and does the admissions call. You get to speak to the person in charge, not some person with a headset on who doesnt even work for the treatment center.
I had a great experience here. Before finding Method, I went to a program that my parents found that claimed to treat dual diagnosis. They did NOT. That program did not work and I transferred to 1 Method Center after speaking with them and doing some research. First point, they do a lot of 1 on 1 work with you. Second, they have really talented and caring staff. Third, their psychiatric team is extraordinary. Overall, the program is great, with a really unique approach to treating mental health problems with nutritional counseling, and a health and fitness approach. I finally got my anxiety and depression under control, and ultimately, stopped craving drugs to cope. I stayed in the program for almost 90 days and have been sober, happy, and generally ok since I left. I would strongly advise that you do your research before just enrolling in any old treatment center. Method is definitely top notch and really does treat mental health issues alongside addiction problems.
Amazing experience. This program literally saved my life. Upon arrival I can only imagine how difficult I must have been to work with as a client (I was a total wreck) and the staff was always respectful and courteous. Through a daily regiment of 1 on 1 therapy sessions and extensive time spent working with my case manager I was put in a position that enabled me to do an immense amount of personal growth. The clinical team was constantly pushing me to challenge myself in order to reach the goals that I set forth for myself upon admission. Today I live a quality of life that I didnt know was possible before my arrival and I feel that is a true testament to this program.
In all my years in and around the field of recovery, Ive never seen a more dramatic change in the lives of individuals than those that have been through treatment at One Method. I have complete confidence when referring anyone struggling with alcoholism, addiction and/or mental health issues to Method, knowing that the most robust health and wellness program in the treatment world in combination with the sophistication of their incredible clinical team, will transform the mind, body and spirit of even the most hopeless of cases. Their facilities feel like home. Ive even heard visitors and family members of clients say they dont want to leave when they go to visit!
I was convinced this was going to be a terrible experience. I know what treatment is all about. At least I thought I did. There really is not a place that compares to One Method. I wish I could say I didn’t know that from experience but I do. I’ve been to all the “best” rehabs. Malibu, Arizona, Florida, I’ve pretty much been everywhere. Everyone says they care on the phone and their websites and have all this flashy stuff about this therapy and that therapy, but none of them cared or did anything than treat me like a number when I was in the door. You check in and it’s all about the moolah and that’s that. Whatever’s the opposite of that is One Method. The person that started it is always there, says good morning, listens to people, he was seeing how things were going right from the start. I met him on the first day. That said a lot to me. I guess my dad had been talking to him for a long time before I came. My dad HATES REHABS after all the times he’s been ripped off. And my dad for real loves the founder of One Method. Anybody he knows has any problems he says they should call him. Got depression? One Method! Anxious, One Method! He should like work for them. But that’s another story. One things for certain, there is no denying they care and the treatment is sound. You can tell the staff genuinely give a care about you, for real, like truly care, GENUINELY. From top to bottom, you can just feel it. That’s probably what I appreciated the most about the whole program experience besides the 1 on 1 time. As far as the therapy goes, I went deeper with Dr. Brooke and Mike than I ever had before. I mean, at some point I was just like, ok, this is it, I can do this and these people are my people. It’s weird, they just get you. I mean don’t get me wrong, their were people there that didn’t want to be sober or deal with their issues. But they were never disrespected and some even turned it around. This one guy literally got in a counselors face screaming one day about who knows what and I’m not even kidding, the counselor just completely turned it around. He basically said something like a know this is hard, but anger is a mask, why don’t we do a session and take that mask off or something. It was like magic work. I guess because what’s the point of attacking people that truly are there to help. I don’t know. Maybe if you’ve never been to rehab this won’t even make any sense. But they are worth every penny you’ll spend. I stayed a LOT longer than I though I would and if you knew me, you’d know how crazy that is. My dad and mom just got back from a trip with my brother, I’m sober and my anxiety has been dealt with since I was there. Oh, I forgot - DO NOT GO HERE IF YOU DONT WANT TO WORK OUT! This is a health-based program. You will work out and you will work out a lot. Exercise is like half of the deal there. At least a third for sure. But all in all you really can’t get into a better situation than there. And a lot of people know that, it’s just all the way world class.
There is no better place than 1 Method if youre struggling with any type of addiction or mental health issues. Its small, private, and 1 on 1. Theres no wasted time and you get a lot done. Ive been to a few programs and this is the only place that worked for me.
A cut above the rest. I would highly recommend this establishment to anyone who is struggling and needs help.After coming here, I kicked myself for ever settling for anything less.
When I first came to one method I wasn’t serious about treatment or staying sober But after working with Cassidy and coming up with a plan that worked for me I decided to extended my stay. Top of line facility great staff, good food and a awesome fitness program
This place is all about getting your treatment right. Definitely go here.
1 Method Center is truly a place of healing. Through its holistic approaches, it covers recovery from the beginning to end. Starting with its detox/residential all the way to intensive outpatient, IOP, and after care planning 1 Method delivers wholeness to the path towards sobriety. Not only does 1 Method focus on the individual, it views the process of growth to be family oriented and takes on a magnificent systems approach to reuniting individuals to a healthy, functioning family system by revising the system itself and all members within it.They do not only believe in providing change on all aspects of unhealthy self-medication but transcends the individual within on many levels of the human experience. 1 Method is a science based, multi-systems approach through diverse areas of healing including professional psychotherapy all the way to physical aspects such as Neurophysiological Treatment. This allows the person to reconnect healthy parts of their lives within, and their external world at the same time.With 15 years of treatment experience, 1 Method has evolved on a collective basis and remains open to their own evolution as well - they practice what they present. It is very common to have addiction related to other mental obstacles, therefore their attendance to Duel Diagnosis is on point and professional best practices. In given the honor to meet the founder, I have seen transcendence at its best representation due to his phenomenal knowledge in field and moreover, the clear empathy, sincerity, and compassion of this individual who represents these exact components in providing true healing.Conclusively, 1 Methods philosophy, staff, and mission truly aligns with one another in a very cohesive modality. The environment is excellent, people are truly those who care, and professional style is that in which I say I sincerely trust! They are called 1 Method because this 1 Method is...a positively life changing one.
This facility does nor have and has not been able to acquire Jacho accreditation. I have learned the hard way to never choose a facility without Jacho accredidation. And because of the life threatening experience that we had with my son at this facility, I am in communication with Jacho to prevent their ever receiving Jacho accredidation. That speaks volumes. They do not have nurses on the premises ever nor do they have them on call. And the psychiatrist that they use has a very busy private practice and is is rarely available. For specifics as to why I say that this facility is very dangerous, please read my Yelp review.
Competent and compassionate. Had a great experience!
Outstanding clinical staffMaximum 6 clientsLuxurious facilities