FREE FREE FREE📲💸🇺🇸Due to COVID the SBDC is now able to give small businesses free consultation with other services to help position them to compete with franchises & online competitors. 🌐Very simple process of going to their website to fill out a form then call for an appointment🤩My consultation by Brandi helped me condense 5yrs of information into a marketing strategy in 15minIf you want to get an LLC now is the time.$300 fee compared to thousands of dollars it normally takes to get an LLCSBDC does all the work🎯I believe it would have taken another 5yrs to manifest what SBDC helped me in an hour to do.💳📲This is a time Sensitive opportunity.Dont miss it🇺🇸
FREE Resources for small locally owned businesses to get FREE consultations, government contracts, social media, website help & much more go to SBDC Longview ( go under START HERE & click Business Assessment Survey - fill it out then submit. You can call to make an appointment. For more info got to YouTube search SBDC Longview.This is a limited time offer.
Super sweet and helpful!